Decision Time! Clemson Honors College or WUSTL

<p>I have narrowed down my options to Clemson (got into honors college and received scholarship $$) and Washington University in St. Louis. </p>

<p>I like both schools but am having trouble deciding which to go to. Clemson would be a lot cheaper than WUSTL but I am thinking about pre-med and I hear WUSTL has a good pre-med program. </p>

<p>Any pros or cons about either school? Any information would be appreciated.</p>

<p>WUSTL is one of my schools I would go to if I got accepted and could afford every school in the country. It’s definitely the best choice in this situation.</p>

<p>However, your choice probably comes down to finances? Can you afford WUSTL? If so, go to WUSTL. If not, go to Clemson since you’re in the honors college. It won’t be worth going into debt if you want to go to med school (which is expensive) and I’m a student at Clemson and it definitely is a solid choice!</p>