<p>*Reposted per advice in another forum. If that is against the rules, please delete other thread in the Business subforum. Thank you!</p>
<p>Hey everyone,</p>
<p>I'm new to the community in the sense that I've never posted but old in the sense that I've lurked advice for a long while now. I'd like to ask for opinions as to what the next steps in my college progression should be, because the path I've followed so far is unconventional and application time is almost here.</p>
<p>Here is my history:
-Oregon resident
-Scored about 1780 on SAT throughout high school, maintain a 3.8 or higher GPA, always swamped myself with extra-curricular drama/sports/student government/music/community service
-Graduated high school a year early in summer 2011 through a degree program at a community college (I had the state-credit requirements accumulated throughout highschool)
-Reconsidered my music composition major ideas after a private music theory instructor advised against it
-Decided to embrace my entrepreneur tendencies (at the age of 17, I've already owned a few small-scale businesses) and pursue a business major because I like thinking that way
-Began looking at different schools that accept sophomore transfers
-Am currently enrolled in a community college commuter school</p>
<p>Here are my preferences:
-My ideal place to end up would be New York. It is a dream to go there and the idea of the city is riveting.
-Seattle is my pick number two city-wise. California would be cool but meh.
-I wouldn't die if I stayed in Portland
-I would be happy almost anywhere in the country, I'm not a picky person and am inanely optimistic
-I figure if I'm in the realm of Ivy league, why not shoot for higher-up schools?</p>
<p>Things I've currently decided:
-Taking the ACT in December
-Taking the SAT once more to see if I can boost up to at least 1850
-Get good grades and stay involved at my current campus (am in student government with credit waivers and have a job outside of school)</p>
<p>Places I'm pretty positive I'm applying to (ordered by reach, pretty sure, and safety schools) :</p>
<li>NYU's Stern (top pick)</li>
<li>Pennsylvania's Wharton</li>
<li>Ann Arbor's Ross
<li>Babson College</li>
<li>CUNY Bernard M Baruch's Ziclkin</li>
<li>University of Washington Seattle Campus</li>
<li>University of Oregon</li>
<li>Seattle University's Albers</li>
<li>Portland State University</li>
<p>What do you guys think of my picks so far? Any suggestions or comments? What do you think would fit best in pick number 6? Any insider tips or tricks?</p>
<p>Thank you so much for feedback!</p>