Decision time

<p>So I’ve narrowed down my college options and am trying to decide between UCSD and UC Davis. I want to major in Psychology and I know San Diego is really good for psych and research. I went to San Diego’s admit day last weekend and loved the campus and La Jolla. I was admitted into sixth college. It’s also 8 hours away from home which is ironic because I always told myself I wanted to stay close to home and now I’m going the farthest I possibly can in California. I saw Davis yesterday for the first time and hoped visiting would confirm my choice to go to SD, but it only made the decision harder because I see myself going there too. Davis was really chill, the people, the environment and it’s only an hour away from home. I honestly don’t know what I want. I like both schools for different reasons. San Diego will most likely motivate me to work harder because it’ll be more competitive than Davis. I’m not sure how I feel about the six colleges but that makes SD different from any other UC. SD is also ranked higher whichi s something I can’t dismiss because it is a better school. Davis seems really laid back which will make it easier to balance academics with social. If anyone else is choosing between these two schools, or has chosen between the two, please tell me how you went about deciding. I could use all the help I can get because right now I don’t think I’m leaning either way. I know whichever school I choose I can’t go wrong, but any advice would be greatly appreciated. Please and thank you :]</p>

<p>Well this is a pretty interesting situation. Of the UC’s I was only accepted to Irvine, Riverside, Davis and Santa Barbara and I decided on Davis. I really wanted to go to Davis because of the college town and atmosphere and it should be fun. If you are short and Sri Lankan you should go too. But focus on whatever is best for you and your major broccoli stick. JJ showed me your post ;)</p>

<p>Wow, I know exactly where you’re coming from… Before I got into Stanford’s Phd program for psychology, I had to choose between UC Davis and UC San Diego… (I didn’t get into UCLA or Cal)</p>

<p>I’m from Cupertino, which is like an hour and a half away from UC Davis and like 8 hours away from UCSD. Ultimately, I decided on UCSD (Revelle College)
Those were the happiest four years I can remember… And don’t worry about not seeing your family either because UCSD uses the quarter system and gives breaks between quarters. So you attend classes for 10 weeks and then you basically get two weeks off to spend with your family before Winter Quarter, and Spring Quarter, and three whole months before Fall Quarter.</p>

<p>UCSD is one of the top schools in the world for psychology. It’s one of the top 10 in the nation. Davis is good too, but it’s not as renowned in psych.
I can only speak for UCSD, but I’m sure UCD is a good school as well.</p>

<p>Best of luck with your choice. Feel free to ask any questions.</p>

<p>O! and if you’re ever homesick, you can get really cheap tickets to San Jose from SD for like $120 roundtrip!!! Book early</p>