<p>Is there a way to find out online on December 15 or is mail the only way the decisions come out? Also, will they arrive on that date, or days later?</p>
<p>no idea been wondering the same thing</p>
<p>Mail only. Unless there has been some kind of change, they won’t arrive until a few days later. Check the blog for an announcement by a member of the admissions staff. They provided quite a few details there last year.</p>
<p>I got a postcard from them saying that I will receive my decision by dec. 15</p>
<p>yeah i got that too, but i think the purpose of the postcard was just to tell us our applications were complete. i don’t think they chose their words carefully for the rest of ti because in order for everyone to receive their decisions my december 15th they would have to send them like now</p>
<p>Well it can also be on how far you live, if you live in the south then most likely you’ll recieve your decisons before people who live in further states like New York or Maine. So I think it will vary depending where you live.</p>
<p>In past years, the decisions have usually been mailed at close of business on Dec. 14th. Therefore, a few lucky Nashville kids have known their decision on Dec. 15th. However, this year since Dec. 15 is on a Monday, it is entirely possible that decisions will be mailed on Friday afternoon and it may be possible for a few to know on the 15th. Just guessing here based on past patterns. We live two hours away and it took 3 days for D’s ED envelope to arrive here, but a friend at the same high school got his in 2 days.</p>
<p>My D applied ED1 and did not receive a postcard regarding decisions on Dec. 15. Should we worry? Wouldn’t they have contacted us if her file was incomplete?</p>
<p>nah don’t worry, they would have contacted you by either e-mail, mail, or both if her file was incomplete</p>
<p>Decision letters are being mailed late friday night. Fact.</p>
Thanks for reassuring us. Sort of what we thought, but anxiety has made us crazy!!</p>
<p>unckid: how do you know?</p>
<p>I just called admissions and they said what unckid23 said: mailing decisions on friday evening.</p>
<p>omg seriously? thanks for finding that out gophillies and unckid!</p>
<p>Thats great news. My son applied ED1 and we’ve all been hoping to have a decision by Monday. The Vandy admissions blog has been pretty quiet compared to last year so we have all been in the dark.</p>
<p>My daughter’s GC told my husband today that the decision letters could be mailed “as early as today” (according the the Vandy Admissions Rep)! I hope so, because the wait is killing her.</p>
<p>Wow, that would be the best news yet!! I wish they would either post something here or on their admissions blog. The wait is killing my son too.</p>
<p>Ditto the last two sentiments! The wait is tough on parents too!</p>
<p>“Check the blog for an announcement by a member of the admissions staff. They provided quite a few details there last year.”</p>
<p>can someone please post for me the link to that blog? thanks!</p>
<p>When will international people get notified via emails?
When they mail?</p>