Decker Nursing

I applied through the common app and it let me attach a resume. Hopefully that will help my chances.

I also applied through the common app but i don’t remember if I attached my resume…i think I did write down that I did a lot of volunteer work at hospitals so hoping that will help

@mrstgs Thank you! My stats are higher this year because I finished my pre-requisites. I think the main reason that I was denied last year is because I was taking all of the pre-requisites at the same time. My gpa went from a 3.53 to a 3.59 overall. I think you’ve got a good shot! Don’t count yourself out until it’s over! I sent like 10 emails to my advisor asking questions partially to make it clear that I really want to attend Decker. I know that a lot of people are only using Decker and Binghamton as a safety school. Don’t worry about the resume too much. It was just a suggestion because I want you guys to have the best probability of success.

I’m not sure if they will accept a resume now, but you can send it to You should be able to send letters of recommendation/reference too. Best of luck!

hi, did anyone hear back from Decker today?

No, I’m starting to stress more each day. But I recently sent in an updated transcript so I hope that helps my chances. Welcome to the chat, do you mind sharing your stats and when you applied @friedchicken123 :slight_smile:

@lilibeth04 omg same! i literally check my email and the status checker page almost every hour LOL. I attended 2 colleges: i got a 3.6 and currently a 3.85 (im not sure if they’re going to take the cumulative gpa or just use my current?). I applied kinda late, I think around feb 22. How about you? :smile:

@friedchicken123 same here! I graduate from SUNY Orange County Community College this summer. I have a 3.52 and I applied around Feb 2nd and had all my paperwork in by around Feb 22 also. It should be any day now, based on previous discussions I know some people don’t hear back until the 12th of April. I don’t know how much longer I can wait lol Good luck! I hope we hear back soon. :slight_smile:

@lilibeth04 that’s awesome, congrats!!! Do you know how many transfer students get accepted?

@friedchicken123 I heard they only accept 50 transfers…I’m so nervous too… I check my portal every day…

Hi @swell231 and @lilibeth04! I just called the admissions office and they told me that the april 1st deadline is only for freshmen. Us transfer students might have to wait up to 2 months from the day our application was sent. Also, in terms of stats, she told me that there were 800 transfer applicants last year and they accepted 120 (or 150 i dont rmb) students and avg gpa was 3.6. I hope this info helps and I hope we hear back from them soon!! Please keep me posted, have a nice day!!

i just heard back and they offered me waitlist :frowning:

Sorry @swell231 I got waitlisted too, I just checked 2 minutes ago. :frowning:

@lilibeth04 lets pray for the best :smiley:

@swell231 @lilibeth04 hey guys! did you find out via email, phone, or status checker? i still haven’t heard back :frowning:

@friedchicken123 i got an email saying there was an update in the portal so then i logged into the portal to check

@swell231 are you gonna accept to be on the waitlist?

yeah, I accepted. I heard its a very small chance too… @lilibeth04 are you going to accept?

Yea, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt either way @swell231

Anyone heard anything ??