Why does Miami do this?

<p>Ok, so I was deferred a couple weeks ago, and I got really bummed because Miami was a top 6 school for me that I really thought I'd get into. I checked my schools Naviance and I was surprised to see most people got deferred, but most people that were deferred got accepted. </p>

<p><a href="http://i62.photobucket.co"&gt;http://i62.photobucket.co&lt;/a> m/albums/h94/akpl44851/Screenshot2014-02-20at103903PM_zpsac557b5f.png
^Remove space and copy link to see chart of applicants.</p>

<p>Why does Miami do this? If this is the case, for my school, why even apply EA?</p>

<p>My D was also deferred a few weeks ago and was really disappointed as she saw many on this site with lower credentials get accepted. We were unable to open the link you sent. How many applied/deferred/eventually accepted from your school? What state are you from? UM is also a top choice for her. She has gotten into some other great schools and we are waiting for UM so we can make out final decision. </p>

<p>I had to put a space in the link so I could post it. If you copy the link and remove the space after the o in .com it will work.</p>

<p>Nine kids were deferred with a gpa over 4.1. Out of those, 7 were accepted, one was rejected, one was waitlisted.</p>

<p>From Maryland.</p>

<p>Here is my 2 cents: This may create lots of controversy but here it goes…
The deferral process is a less than opaque and irrational process from the outside. This applies to all schools. You can read on CC and on the web in general about all sorts of deferral stories and there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it. So I think it is important to realise…it doesn’t make sense. Secondly, we heard from many admission staff last year when we went through this with my son that they don’t just look at the individual but they are trying to assemble a class that reflects their standards, mix, feel, whatever you want to call it. They are trying to balance geographic mix with what majors/departments kids are interested in. They don’t want 900 communication majors and 3 engineers for instance. The class of 2018 will be ~ 2000 students and they want a Class that reflects what UMiami is about now but also where they want to go. For awhile class rank was a big thing for them because frankly it was a big thing for USNews University Rankings (IMHO). They have targets for need based scholarships and for merit based scholarships, targets for international students, Nursing school, sports and male:female ratios…on and on…
I think deferrals give them the flexibility to tweak all of these knobs.
In addition to this they admit 10,000 or so and in the end 2000 show up for orientation. They have to predict who will ultimately send in their deposits such that they get the Class of 2018 they are looking for. For EAs its a very dynamic process during the months leading up to admission deadline and by deferring a set of applicants they get the flexibility they need. Of course I am not in the admissions business and as I said it is not an obvious and transparent process. So take my input with a grain of salt…
If you want to go to UMiami or any school that you have been deferred by, then visit, send letters (not emails!!) show you really want to be a part of the 2018 class. Every thing you send gets put in your file.</p>

<p>Yah, I have emailed my territory manager and I haven’t gotten back to in weeks. </p>

<p>Was accepted after all, probably won’t attend though. Congrats to everyone who got it!</p>

<p>may i ask why?</p>

<p>deferred people found out!</p>

<p>I just like the University of California Santa Barbara more. Nothing against Miami, it is a great school, I just think UCSB has more to offer for what I want to do, and is a better fit for me.</p>

<p>My Choices were
Uc Berkeley- Rejected
Emory- Rejected
Ucsb- Accepted
Ucsd- Accepted
Umiami- Deferred then Accepted
Wisconsin- Accepted
Then a bunch of safeties I really had no intention on going to </p>

<p>After even more thought… I have decided to go to Miami. lol. I think i was being bitter about the deferment.</p>

<p>Congrats and welcome! Good choice. I would never say anything negative about another school as there are schools that are right for every individual and it is…in the end…your personal choice.
Having lived in the Midwest and gone to U of Illinois, Wisconsin was the best all round school on your list but you have to love bitterly cold winters and big big Universities.</p>

<p>I wish you the best !</p>

<p>yah i visited it and the bitter bitter cold really pushed it back in my books. I’m going to go to business school afterwards, so the minimal difference between the schools made me lean towards miami. the business internships that are available there also make me excited! cant wait to get my BBA in international finance/marketing!</p>

<p>Congrats @akpl4485! I’m so glad you came to your senses! </p>

<p>I was going to discourage you from UCSB but after reading Biocellar’s classy comment I’ll just say I think you made a great choice. </p>

<p>Very excited to be a Cane mom myself! (and ha ha my D was denied at Wisconsin so she never even visited but I’ve been telling her to be thankful ever since she got the notice - anyway I wasn’t about to pay OOS tuition even for a really good public university). </p>