Deferred- Chance me

Weighted GPA=3.79
Unweighted GPA= 3.68
ACT composite= 30
3 letter of recs
Over 10 ECs
3 AP classes and 7 dual-credit classes
OOS Iowa
Applied to the Ag college as a Dietetics major

When I first submitted my EA application my ACT composite was a 26 and then went up to a 30 when I retook it in December and I am not sure if they got my new score in time since it was sent at the end of December. What are my chances for acceptance since I was deferred? Also does anyone know when deferred decisions have been released in the past?

I just happened to look up the common data set for another Wisconsin deferral. Almost 75% of the enrolled students had a 3.75 uw GPA. GPAs are very important to Wisconsin admissions. I’d guess the bottom 25% are special cases.

@audrella, how are your first sem. grades? You’ll need to report those. If strong, those and your 30 ACT will give you a decent shot at admission. Good luck to you!

A- in Pre-Calculus, A- in dual-credit English composition, A in dual-credit speech, A in AP statistics, and A in AP psychology @JBStillFlying Are these strong enough in your opinion?

@audrella, an upward trend is always a great direction! Fingers crossed for you!

@JBStillFlying Thank you! Would you say I have a good chance of being accepted then?

Hard to say for sure, @audrella; however, can’t imagine you could have done much more. Hopefully the higher ACT and GPA will help. The ACT for sure will be look at much more favorably, assuming they will count it. You made a significant improvement there. You might want to call them to confirm that they will re-consider your application with the new ACT (as well as the updated GPA which is now about a 3.7).

Good luck to you!

Being deferred put you in the group waiting to see if there will be room after all applications are reviewed. Improvement is good. Take a break from the college process and focus on your last year of HS. Keep up the school work and enjoy your final months.

Isn’t that what the waitlist is? I got deferred to regular decision not waitlisted. @wis75

Generally speaking deferred means admissions needs more time or information to review a candidate’s application - it’s still a maybe. On the other hand a student who accepts the waitlist is a Yes but due to space constraints might not get admitted unless enough other admitted students reject their offers.

The waitlist comes after schools make their decisions- students who are not accepted have a possible chance of acceptance if already accepted students choose not to attend. Having your decision deferred now just means you have to wait and see if you will be accepted once all of the applications are submitted and reviewed. Big difference. UW may have given out many decisions but there is still time for people to apply. UW is waiting to see if the rest of the applicants will be better than those they have deferred a decision on. A waitlist (if there is one- it can vary year to year) means you have been rejected unless an opening comes up- the timing occurs after all schools give out acceptances and get their answers from potential students.