UGH. Deferred by UW Madison....

OKAY. So, the other night I received an e-mail stating that my admission notification was available on MyUW. I logged in, and was rather frustrated to discover that I had been deferred. I’m a high school senior with a 27 ACT (not fantastic, but not terrible either), and a gpa of 4.2 (weighted) and 3.7 (unweighted). I’ve taken I’ve taken a total of 10 AP courses throughout my high school career (including senior year thus far), and have held a leadership position in the band program for the past two years. I’m just wondering, if anyone knows, what my chances of being accepted after being deferred are. I think my ACT probably held me back significantly, but I tend to struggle with standardized tests.

You fall into that vast middle pool. You’ll just have to wait. And have another school you can go to. Don’t obsess about it and enjoy the rest of your senior year.

In state or OOS? That’s target range ACT for in state, low for OOS. Keep your grades up, and have some additional schools on your list. Iowa, Minnesota, Indiana.

I would think your chances are good. My daughter got in. 28 ACT with 3.94 unweighted.You have a leadership position. Did you have volunteer hours? That’s key. She has over. Also- she used College VIne to help with essays. In the essays she wrote about how she planned to continue volunteering in the community and participate in campus activities. SHe is also a varsity athlete, Art Club Pres and several other activities. Make sure on the application you put EVERY single award and activity… Also- I don 't understand this. But- from what the School Counselor said- Madison sends the school counselor something to verify activities. WIth my daughter’s - they had all the wrong info. I am guessing there is a human element involved in taking the info from the app system and then verifying with counselors. She has many activities and the info they sent to our counselor just had 2 things she wasn’t in. So they must have mixed it up with another kid. Our counselor fixed it. There is no way with her grades and ACT she would have gotten in with the activities they sent the counselor. GOod luck.