Deferred -- Chance me??

UW GPA: 3.85
ACT: 28
3 APs Junior year (Calc AB, Calc BC, Comp Sci A)
3 APs Senior year (Stats, Comp Sci Principles)
OOS Minnesota
1st Choice Major: Astronautics (ENGR)
2nd Choice Major: Animal Sciences (CALS)
HS Soccer - 9, 10, 11
HS Badminton - 10, 11, 12
Club Soccer - 2006 to Present
Key Club - 11, 12
National Honors Society - 11, 12
Job (server) - 2015 to Present

New EC:
Prom Committee (started this school year since you can only join as a senior)

I think my essays are pretty good, I had two Madison grads look at them.
Rec letter should also be pretty good, I had a great relationship with the teacher.

Self-reported Grades:
AP Statistics A ~ B+
AP Statistics B ~ A
AP Computer Sci Principles A ~ A
AP Computer Sci Principles B ~ A
Physics A ~ A
Physics B ~ B
Adv Biology A: Anatomy/Physlgy ~ A-
Adv Biology B: Anatomy/Physlgy ~ A-

You will report the actual grades, not your estimate. You seem to be in that huge middle pool of applicants.

that is the actual grades haha, i was just putting the ~ between the class and letter grade

GPA is really good, work on a better ACT IMHO