Deferred from Early Decision

I was just recently deferred from TCU for Early Decision. Are my chances of getting in during the regular pool higher or does this mean that I won’t get in at all? Also, when do they send the decision letters for deferrals? On the portal it says by February 28, but the letter that came in the mail said mid-March.

If you are above the 75 percentile of accepted students in the above document you probably have a good chance. I’m not familiar with the school but some schools use deferral as a “soft” rejection. some schools completely reevaluate you with the RD students. They may just really want to see your senior grades. Apply to some other schools and keep your grades up. I would send an email after your first semester grades come out and mention what you’ve been doing this year and any jobs, teams, awards, or volunteerism you’ve taken part in and what you hope to bring to the school community. Emphasize that it’s your #1 school. Good luck!

I was deferred as well. I was a little shocked… I’m in the top 12% of my class with lots of activities and community service hours. But I know it’s getting harder and harder to get into TCU. I’m hopeful because I have a few friends at TCU, and one was deferred last year and still got in. I just hate waiting.

@HappyMix16 your friend that was deferred and then later accepted – did they get accepted for the fall or did they have to wait until the spring to begin? I saw that several deferred applicants from last year were eventually accepted but could not begin until Jan.

My friend was deferred last year but got in for the fall. I know they did take several fall deferrals last year (though I did see what you are talking about). I wonder how many they defer? It’s my first choice school and it seems like it was one of the toughest to get in this year.

Same, I even applied ED hoping to boost my chances and I feel like the acceptance rate got way lower this year.

When you were deferred after applying ED did they say so or did u just receive a regular rejection letter?

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@saml2016 I got a letter in the mail saying I had been deferred with the steps for what I do next, and then I also saw it on the portal before my letter came in the mail

Has anyone who was deferred by TCU for EA or ED, heard back any news yet as to wether or not you have been accepted?

I talked them on the phone the other day and was told I’ll hear back April 1st @austinjvmom

Hi @IsaacBV - We thought it was mid-March – maybe that changed? Maybe they’re waiting to see how many acceptances they get?? It is hard to wait.

@Lilly5 It depends in which order they got semester grades is what I was told

Please chance me-
Top 15% in class
27 ACT
3.7 unweighted GPA
4.1 Weighted GPA
5 AP classes
Well written essay, but everyone says this
Senior class president
3 year varsity tennis
1 year varsity lacrosse
2 years NHS
three time Deca state qualifier
Honors classes

Has anyone checked their portal? I went on to check and the status that says I was deferred and all that was gone? And my admissions status changed back to: “Your application is now complete and ready for review for the Early Decision deadline…”

mine looks the exact same as yours @tcuhopeful2020

Sounds like they sent them out today and portals updated Friday or saturday

TCU specifically said (in my email from when they received my deferral acceptance) that decisions will be out no later than mid-March. I was deferred EA and so was my twin sister. My portal hasn’t changed but hers changed back to the original “Your application is now complete for review for the EA deadline…”

As you all probably remember from the EA decision angst, there’s no telling when they will notify everyone.

@niccidoe - My son’s portal changed back to the original as well

My daughter’s portal reverted back to the original EA message.

Portal changed to decision letter mailed!