Early Action Deferral

Hi all! I was wanting to connect with people who were also deferred from EA in December. Rumor has it that last year TCU admitted too many students, so this years applicants are suffering from them having to cut back on the numbers. I was wondering what everyone’s test scores/gpa/community service/extra circulars were like in comparison to my own to see if there is a pattern! Also, has anyone heard anything back or know when we will? Thanks!

I haven’t heard anything since my EA deferral either.

1920/28 SAT/ACT
1st Q
3.9 GPA
2 recs
Debate 4yrs/Student govt 3 yrs
200+ hrs community service
NHS 2yrs
All AP/Honors classes

Except for the TCU deferral, I was accepted to all Texas universities that I applied to (SMU, TAMU, UT) and also UMiami, UDenver, & Villanova. Waiting on Boston U (RD)

Oh wow…

I had a 1610 SAT
3.6 gpa
top 27%
2 years NHS
6 AP courses
Pals 2 years, young life leader 2 years, volleyball 2 years, teen service league(not sure how many community hours all together)
2 different tcu interviews

accepted into Baylor, LSU, Alabama, Tech

I’m not sure what TCU is looking for. Lots of EA accepted students had average stats in many cases. It was the last decision I got for EA, so I was surprised at my deferral because I thought TCU would be the least of my worries! I’ve learned that you never know who nor why gets an acceptance at any college.

Does anyone know when we hear back? I was deferred from Early Decision. On my TCU online portal it had said by February 28, but the letter I got in the mail said mid-March. So I don’t know what to believe!

Mine said the same thing! I saw one of tcu admissions tweets that said we will know by mid March so I’m assuming we will find out in a week or two!

mid-March is what I read in the email I received after I activated my deferral application. Going through the experience with the EA decision releases, I’m expecting them to drag it out to the very end. Of course, I was in the deferral batch so that’s probably why!

has anyone heard back??

We haven’t heard anything yet. Does anyone know if we’ll receive something in the mail or email? I guess maybe we’ll hear by March 15th?

@Lilly5 If TCU notifies us the same way they did for EA, it could be any scenario. Some got a letter first then a decision later online while others found out only online. Some received an email and nothing else… it was very inconsistent. And the notifications dragged out throughout December, so no one knew when they would hear. If I hadn’t already made my choice for another school while waiting on TCU’s deferral and now decision, I would be so anxious!

[During the application process, etc., I became very uninterested in going there because of their way of handling everything and not being very transparent. All universities need to be on top of it, but for their tuition rate, they especially need to be less flaky and be more interactive with their applicants]

Good luck to everyone who wants to be a Frog!!

Gig 'Em!

@niccidoe I didn’t get my EA one till Christmas Eve /: and did you by chance notify the admissions office that you weren’t going to go there after all? I feel like that would really help us who are dying to go there!!

I was assuming by March 15 too

@bab0789 I just recently withdrew my application. I wanted to make sure A&M was solid before I did it. But I think decisions have been made by now, and it’s just a matter of TCU getting themselves together to disperse everyone’s notifications.

I also read somewhere that it was March 15.

@niccidoe Okay cool, and congrats with a&m!!

Ahh I can’t even wait anymore!! When will we hear?

apparently someone found out today and they called his cell phone!! but I have heard nothing :frowning:

If you don’t mind me asking what were your guys act and stuff

scroll up towards the top!! we posted it @jayjjjj776

what were yours?

Anybody heard anything?