Deferred from GA Tech


I just got deferred from GA Tech. I have a 1470 on the SAT and have grades which are greater than 85% in all 4 years ( I am an international student so don’t get a GPA). What is the chance of getting into GA Tech?

Also I’ve heard from a couple of sources that public universities don’t really review deferred application in the Regular Round as they have huge volumes of fresh applications. Does this have any merit?

@shanny2, I would post this question on the GT page too if you haven’t already. I can’t speak to VT chances confidently, but your stats looks really great. I assume engineering? And so far in our experience with being deferred, we are told that it means your application DOES get put back with all the regular decision apps and re-evaluated with them as if starting over. Not an advantage or disadvantage to have been deferred already, as they are trying to get the best candidates no matter when they apply. I suppose given all other things equally ,they might appreciate the early app as a sign that it is more likely that student will accept if they offer. Colleges like to have a high yield rate if they can help it (% of the admitted students who end up attending). Hope that helps.