Deferred From VTech Engineering. What Now?

Hi Guys,

Today I got my decision back for Virginia Tech School of General Engineering and I got deferred. I was wondering what you guys think my chances are and what should I do based on my stats.

GPA: 3.95 (Weighted)
SAT: Math-670 Reading-590
Extracurriculars: I have a bunch of honor societies, president of a badminton club, 4 years of varsity tennis, robotics club, science olympiad, environment club, and a bunch of other science clubs.

I volunteer at a retirement home as an IT specialist helping with technological issues and fixing that type of stuff.

I also took: AP World (10), AP Environment (11), AP Physics (11), AP Computer Science (11), AP Language (11), AP, AP US History (11). I am currently taking AP Government, AP Biology, AP Latin, AP BC Calculus.

I’m just really sad right now and worried about regular decision for the general engineering school. Can i get some thoughts about what I’m lacking and what i should be expecting? One thing i know is that my SAT is total garbage…
Thank you guys a lot in advance.

Best thing you can do is get your first semester grades up to show that you’re doing well in your current AP classes.

Thanks for the response. I’ll try my best.

Make sure you apply to a couple of other schools you would not mind attending. It’s not good to have all your eggs in one basket. I do know of several students who got deferred and then accepted. I have no idea what their stats were.

I got deferred from VT too, I know how you feel :frowning:

bro, ik i feel really depressed right now -_- . lets hope for the best during regular decision though :slight_smile:

Do realize the majority of early action/decision applicants, no matter what school, get deferred. You have to be super qualified, and probably out of state, to be accepted early.

Thanks for your input autodidact. Yea one of my friends very close to my stats got in so im a little bummed. But applause to him and i hope i get accepted during regular :slight_smile:

Hi Guys! I was recently informed of why i got deferred. It was because I took AP Biology this year instead of continuing a more math based course such as Physics or Chemistry. They also said that since this is my first year taking an AP math course (BC Calculus), they want to see how i do in my first semester. My counselor recommended me to write to Virginia Tech a handwritten letter reiterating my passion for the school and clearing up why I took AP Biology, i want to go into Biomed. Do you guys think this is a good idea to write a letter to Virginia Tech, and how would i word it? Please any advice would be helpful, Thanks!

@VT Applicant, how did you find out why you were deferred? My son was also deferred, and we don’t really get why. VT is his first choice, and so if we can find out why and do something about it, we will. Also, are you in or OOS?
Thanks (and Good Luck!!)

I am in state and I emailed the admissions office asking politely why I got deferred.

@VTApplicant best of luck! Glad to see that you politely followed-up as it shows the great deal of interest that you have. I would definitely follow through on admissions’ recommendation and perhaps run it by your guidance counselor for some suggestions? Also, it might not hurt to grab another recommendation from a math teacher? Just a thought :slight_smile: Again, best of luck!!

@VT Applicant, thanks so much for the info. DS is emailing as we speak. I suspect he was deferred due to lack of calculus but he is taking that now at the CC. Can’t hurt to let them know that right?! Fingers crossed for you!

You are likely in a pool of candidates that are on the cusp. They will look at 1st semester grades to aid in making a final decision. Showing a C will hurt a lot (especially in math), A/B will depend to a large extent on how the rest of the “pool” does. From experience - if you happen to have an error on your mid terms grades, get it changed IMMEDIATELY and send the corrected report to VT ASAP.

I’m a little sad but I don’t think I’ll be getting in to the engineering school. I am just doing so bad in math lately. I’ll probably end up with a B- in math and a B in AP biology (A’s everything else) for the semester. Sigh

Son contacted Admissions and they were very forthcoming. Not accepting into engineering for regular admission, still being considered for University Studies. His math coursework wasn’t where it needed to be, no calculus yet. :frowning: With admission to NC State and Auburn in hand, it will be a tough decision what to do next. He is still hoping to start at Tech with US and transfer over, but what I am reading seems to indicate a better chance of transferring in from another engineering program. Looks like we might not be able to dodge that OOS tuition after all.

I have no idea why you didn’t get it in. I got in with the same amount of extracurriculars and ap classes as you did. My gpa was a bit higher but my math score was the same as yours, 670.