Deferred - What to do?

<p>Hey everyone,</p>

<p>Was just deferred from Tech, and was wondering what to do in order to make my chances better.</p>

<p>I am in state, richmond area, 4.4 Weighted GPA, Ranked top 20 in my class, 1130 2 Part SAT Scores, engineering major, taking AP Calculus AB, Engineering, AP Government, English 12 H, Physics H, and Spanish 5 H this year.</p>

<p>Have taken AP US History (the only other AP class available to us last year). All my other core classes my entire high school career were weighted (honors).</p>

<p>Anything I can do in order to make my chances better for regular admission? not quite sure what else I could do. Was hoping for some good info from someone with experience in this.</p>

<p>Only thing I can see is the SAT scores, especially in the competitive engineering department, they probably want to see extremely high math SAT scores. If the SAT doesn’t work out for you, try the ACT. Although the biggest thing I can recommend is talking with admissions directly and seeing what they want from you. If you show you really want to get into VT, and willing to work hard for it, I’m sure they’ll give you the specific reasons for deferring you vs. accepting you.</p>

<p>anyone have the statistic of deferred early applicants that get in regularly?</p>

<p>Yes, your SAT is pretty low…even for general admission. Engineering looks for at least a 620 on the Math portion of the SAT.</p>

<p>The statistics vary from year to year, but I know that the fact they deferred you means you are still competitive enough for admission, but they would like to put you in with the regular pool and see your semester grades, and possibly improved SAT scores.</p>

<p>When you call Tech’s admission, is the prospective student making that phone call? and what do they say???</p>

<p>The thing I don’t understand is on the tech website it says for regular admissions that you must have taken the SAT by the December test date. By now it’s already passed so how are deferred applicants supposed to retake and submit their scores?</p>

<p>When the questioned the Admissions office, they stated that you would have had to take the December SAT’s - some people took the December test just in case - i unfortunately did not so it will come down to second semester grades and what other applications they get.</p>

<p>So basically if you didn’t have some random preconceived idea that your scores weren’t high enough for ED you’re SOL? That doesn’t make much sense.</p>

<p>I applied regular decision and felt my SAT scores were low. I took the Jan. 23 SAT and sent my scores in by February 15. They still accepted them, so if you want to submit new SAT scores, I suggest you apply for a retake now.</p>

<p>Does Tech accept the february ACT’s?</p>

<p>Probably not. I just looked on the VT admissions site:</p>

<p>[Application</a> Checklist: Freshmen | Undergraduate Admissions | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Application”></p>

<p>and found this statement:</p>

<p>“Application must be postmarked or submitted online by January 15. The supplemental materials listed below may follow at a later date.”</p>

<p>“Transcripts for Regular Decision freshman applications should be received by February 15.”</p>

<p>Normally the transcripts and SAT/ACT data is entered at the same time. I e-mailed VT admissions several times on my SAT scores and I was told that they would accept my January SAT results, but they had to be in by February 15. I saved all of my e-mails from VT admissions, so a copy of the replies I received are below.</p>

<p>"RE: SAT Re-Take
From: VT Admissions (vtadmiss) <a href=“”></a>Add to Contacts
To: James2014<~~~~~~~■■■■■■.com> </p>


<p>Greetings from VT Admissions!</p>

<p>I’m afraid that any test scores sent after the middle of February will not be considered. Please let us know if you need further assistance.</p>

<p>Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Virginia Tech
201 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Phone: 540/231-6267
Fax: 540/231-3242"</p>

<p>"Sun, January 17, 2010 3:24:38 PMRE: SAT Re-Take
From: VT Admissions (vtadmiss) <a href=“”></a>Add to Contacts
To: James2014<~~~~~~~■■■■■■.com> </p>


<p>College board usually has a rush delivery option. If we receive the scores around the 15th of February, that should not be a problem. Thank you,</p>

<p>Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Virginia Tech
201 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Phone: 540/231-6267
Fax: 540/231-3242"</p>

<p>VT can be hard to figure out. Richmond is like NoVA and it is insanely competitive for these kids, thus, being deferred occurs frequently.</p>

<p>Our DD was deferred and is happily living as a VT student now.</p>

<p>I agree with others that SAT score is very low, and unless you can explain it away it will be your achilles heel. </p>

<p>I wold suggest to see if you can change your major from engineering to a less competitive major.</p>

<p>Our DD wanted Psych, she had a 1290, AICE student, with a Cambridge degree and was in the top 7% of her graduating class, Magna Cum Laude, from NoVA, and the RD that came to the hs told her, she was not a strong candidate from a gpa standpoint. She switched her intended major from psych to sociology on her application</p>

<p>Now she is dual major Psych and Soc. according to VT. Honestly, it also worked out that she fell in love with SOC., and Psych is just there for her future career goals regarding school. (Masters)</p>

<p>VT looks at majors and your zip code. Richmond is a competitive zip.</p>