Deferred from WFU. Any advice?

Hi everyone! So I applied ED to Wake and a few weeks ago I found out I got deferred. It’s definitely a bummer to say the least. I have a 3.8 gpa, I am a faculty appointed tutor at my school, I intern at my local zoo, and I am involved in lots of school activity/clubs and community service projects as well. I did the interview, and visited the campus.Wake is still without a doubt in my mind my number one choice, so I haven’t applied ED/ED2 anywhere else but I’ve made sure to apply to plenty of targets and safety schools. I’m just very worried because you never hear a lot of stories about deferred kids later getting accepted into their ED in general, so I’m curious if anyone as any insight on how often deferred kids get into Wake.I emailed a quick continued letter of interest to my regional rep. and got two additional letters of recommendation. I also submitted my Term 1 grades which I’m very happy about. I’m wondering if there’s anything else I can submit that would improve my application. I’m scared that I just don’t have enough to stand out-especially in the RD pool. If anyone has any advice or insight it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much and congratulations to everyone that got in!

This may sound unempathetic, but you will be best served by assuming your deferral is actually a rejection. If you get accepted in RD, take it as a pleasant surprise. Otherwise, it’s best to pivot to developing enthusiasm towards the schools that will most likely deliver a a positive result for you. Hang in there. Good luck!


I definitely agree. It’s actually refreshing to hear this in a way. All of my friends and family seem to have this unrealistic view that I’ll get in later on, and that I should just stop worrying about it, but I think it’s best to put the majority of my attention on some of these other schools at least for now. Definitely a downer though. Thank you!


Remember, the others made your final list for a reason. Every single one, even your least favorite, has some positives or you wouldn’t have applied. Modern day ranking of everything hoodwinks us into believing that there’s a “best” unicorn school. In reality, they all have flaws. Your success will be determined by how well you take advantage of the opportunities in front of you, no matter where you go. Based on what you’ve said about your HS experiences, I have every reason to believe you’ll do well at the next level.


You’ve done well. Stay in touch with the individual whose territory you are in but don’t annoy them. Don’t have your parents make calls. Not a big fan of parents in the kids business at Wake. They stress adulting! . Hard to tell with all the Covid nonsense but they have picked up some differed students late in the cycle the last couple years.

That’s good that they take at least a couple of deferred kids. I’ve definitely bugged my rep enough over the past couple of weeks, so maybe a bit of distance is a good thing. At least I didn’t make my parents bother him! Thank you!

Hang in there! Wishing you luck! Don’t give up but keep working your other options. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Thank you so much!

Agree with the above posts.

Did you do an interview with your AO? If not, after the holidays you might send an email that says ‘what I would have told you in an interview’. You could expand on a few activities, note your good first semester grades, and state WFU is your first choice school and you would attend if offered admission.

Good luck!

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Do you have the option for a video submission or did you already do that? We didn’t have that last year. If that’s an option and you can nail that it might be worth a shot. Make sure you read up on the school and what it’s about, “Pro Humanitate”. Tell them how you can be a value to them regarding what they are about. Check out all the programs they have and all the things they do for the community.

I did have an interview, but they did not assign it with my regional AO. I really like that idea! I was thinking of sending a letter/email after the holidays going more in depth about additional community service/academic activities I’ve been up to, and really expressing why Wake is my number one choice. I just don’t want to annoy the admissions reps too much, but I really want them to know that if they admit me I am committed to going there. Thank you!

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I did not do the video submission, but I thought you could only do either an interview or the video, but not both. I’ll double check on their website because if I can I will definitely do that. Thank you I love that idea!

Never fall in love with a school. Ever. Wake is fine. Obviously you are a strong student. There is a home for you, At wake or otherwise.

You may get in. You may not.

Love back who loves you. If someone doesn’t there’s not much you can do.

Provide the info they ask for. But don’t expect.

Many schools defer in Fall. It’s common. My guess is in the meantime, you’ll find another school you love better and Wake will leave your mind.

Lots of schools out there that will love to have you. Love them back.

Good luck.

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I agree I just wish I could tell my past self that lol. Right now I’m trying to find schools that I can apply to that share the qualities of Wake that I love. I hope I’ll find one that loves me and I love it back, but I definitely have to work on getting over Wake a bit. Thank you!

Hello. I just got deferred as well. My letter says to update with my first semester grades and “any additional academic materials that you wish the committee to consider”. I was just wondering if this includes extracurricular activities or strictly academic achievements?

Ugh I’m sorry, but we’ll both get through this! I’ve been bothering my college consoler and regional admissions rep. and from what they’ve told me it sounds like it would be good to submit additional teacher recs or an essay you’ve written for class that you’re proud of. However my consoler advised to send a letter of continued interest, and in that talk about recent extracurricular and academic achievements. I’m sorry all of this is so confusing, but I hope it helps!

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Yes, your counselor told you all the right things to do. I would add only that you should include a strong statement that you WILL attend if accepted. Colleges do care about their yield rates.

Consider this an opportunity to reintroduce yourself to the admissions committee. As part of your letter of continued interest, you have the opportunity to explain WHY you are interested in Wake and why you believe that you are a good fit for them.

Probably the best time to send this deferral package is in January or February.


I think that the fact that you applied ED is sufficient indication of your interest in WFU.

I reiterate that it will be helpful to restate an applicant’s intention to attend if accepted. It’s for the same reasons that it’s standard practice to send a letter of continued interest. As part of that, the applicant needs to let the college know that her interest hasn’t been diminished by the disappointment of her deferral. The goal is to strengthen her application in every way that she can. It certainly won’t do any harm, so there’s nothing to lose.


Although I appreciate your point, it may harm OP if OP remains fixated on WFU.

I agree with other posters that OP needs to move on. Sending a LOCI after applying ED is more than enough.

Additionally, OP is sacrificing a valuable opportunity to apply ED II elsewhere if such a statement is made.

Seems likely that WFU doesn’t like some aspect of OP’s app given all that OP has done in an attempt to be admitted ED to WFU.

P.S. OP: What attracts you to WFU ?

P.P.S. Quick google check shows WFU’s ED admit rate at 34% & RD admit rate at 31% for last year.

WFU offers ED I & ED II.An applicant may participate in only one round as an ED applicant. This means that OP will becompeting with ED II applicants in OP’s RD round.

There are at least 72 schools which offer ED II. Consider Davidson College, Wash & Lee University, University of Richmond, Vanderbilt, WashUStL, Tufts, Rhodes College, Middlebury College, Emory University, Colgate University, Bowdoin College, Colby College, Hamilton College, etc. for ED II if any is of interest to you.

@Bill Marsh: Stating that OP will attend WFU if accepted in the RD round harms OP in two ways:

  1. What if financial aid needs are not met &

  2. prevents OP from applying ED II elsewhere.