<p>I got deferred from penn. should i review my app before i start sending it to other colleges. is there something i should improve that maybe caused penn to defer me?</p>
<p>I mean, common sense says it wouldn’t hurt. Play the role of the admissions counselor and try to see the weaknesses in your application and attempt to patch those up if at all possible. Be very critical of yourself. Would you accept you? I’m not saying anything is wrong with your applications, but since there’s a chance that they didn’t like something in your application, it’s worth attending to it.</p>
<p>you cant make changes to the common app once you submit it once</p>
<p>^ Can’t you make additional versions of it to edit?</p>
<p>kclee, yes you can.</p>
<p>^ Pray tell, how can I change the common app application?</p>
<p>make a duplicate. press the common application tab on the left (on commonapp.org) and then press make a duplicate.</p>