<p>I was deferred from hotel school and feel a mixture of emotions. </p>
<p>i'm sad that i didn't get in but i'm also happy and hopeful that i get a second chance</p>
<p>did anyone else get deferred? to which school? how do you guys feel?
is there anything at all we can do now to make our application stronger while we wait?</p>
<p>You have to retake tests you had low scores in, get 3+ Recommendation letters, especially from the subjects you consider weak at, attend college classes as dual enrollment, or do something EC that is related to your major. Then update your Resume with neat things.
Write a letter to fight for you spot into Cornell, but be really humble about it. And offer something no one else might offer to the school!</p>
<p>I got deferred too! To me I’m rather happy because I thought I’d get a straight rejection. I’m a bit disappointed but they didn’t flat-out reject me at least! I’m trying to think positively- maybe this is an opportunity to give me options among different colleges during the regular decision process xD
Best wishes to you!</p>
<p>Get those other apps out before deadline and then put a serious effort into doing all you can to make your mid-year report to Cornell as impressive as possible. Just don’t sit idly by and hope for the best. Make something happen!</p>
<p>Someone claims that roughly 1/3 deferrals are ultimately accepted and that Cornell tried to give out as few of deferrals as possible. But, there is no verification of that statistic, so I wouldn’t just sit back and relax just yet. If someone could elaborate on either of the aforementioned points, I would greatly appreciate it!</p>
<p>Peronsally, I won’t lie to you and say that I didn’t cry for an hour after I read the deferral letter. However, I really thought I was going to be outright rejected for not fitting the bill of the typical ivy league student while still have many top tier qualifications (sub 2000 SAT scores, not top 5% in class, etc. but major related awards and ECs). I guess us deferrals need to prove ourselves over the next couple of months to sort the boys from the men.</p>
<p>Yeah I got deferred too… it seems like a TON of 2250+ applicants got deferred and a ton of sub-2000-2100 got accepted.
And absolutely no HumEc decisions were posted except for mine… which was a deferral.
Did HumEc just not accept a lot of instaters this year?
And what are the chances for RD?</p>
<p>Cornell makes a focused attempt to only defer those who have a strong chance in the regular decision pool. I have heard this directly from the AdComs. There are so many reasons for deferral, some of which may have nothing to do with your academic strength. Cornell’s focuses so much on “fit” that you may have been deferred so the AdComs can evaluate your application further along with the RD applications to determine the best fit. Don’t lose heart if you’ve been deferred. As Dave_Berry said above, make something happen! Best of luck to all of you!</p>
SAT: 1990 CR 650 M 670 W 679
SAT IIs: Chinese with listening 800 Math II 670 Physics 500 ( I know it is disastrous)
GPA& rank: very complicated due to the difference in the education system</p>
Essays: Received mixed comments, some said they were powerful and excellent, said
said bad
Teacher Recs: I think should be good as they love me
Counselor Rec: She said I was the most outstanding she had seen, so should be good
Hook: ??</p>
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Chinese (Asia)
Gender: Female</p>
<p>Other Factors: very active participation in Club activities, great leadership qualities</p>
<p>do you think my SAT scores pull me down or are there any factors?</p>
<p>Deferred from HumEc with 2270 SATs, 35 ACTs. My parents and grandmother are all alumni…my GPA (3.7 unweighted) brought me down but I take 4 APs this year (8 total in high school, 5 on all science AP Exams and I’m a future biology major) other than that I’m not sure, my extracurriculars are good (leadership positions, awards, volunteering, honor societies, etc.)…</p>
<p>I want to know what my chances are! I can’t stand sitting around waiting any longer. I’m going to probably submit another teacher recommendation, and my midyear grades will be strong (I refuse to become afflicted with senioritis until after AP Exams). Is it possible for me to still be accepted, or do they really not consider legacy as strongly in regular decision?</p>
<p>I got deffered.
And, honestly, the way I see it, deffered is worse than rejected.
Defferal is like “We don’t want you. But we’re just going to give you false hope.”
Sorry if that view offends anyone, but that’s really what it seems like to me.
Besides, if I didn’t get in early decision (23% acceptance rate), then how will I get in on regular decision (15% acceptance rate).
It makes no sense.</p>
<p>Wow, lots of Human Ec deferrals! Were you all in-state, or out of state? Maybe because of budget constraints they are looking for more out-of state students??</p>
<p>call me pessimistic, but i have to agree with rhginzburg. especially for ILR, which defers all non-accepted applicants, it’s hard to see the deferral as “better” than a rejection. plus my senior grades suck major ball hair, so i cant really count on getting in at a lesser acceptance rate.</p>