Degree works?

<p>There are gpa’s on the top- overall gpa & ua gpa which don’t appear to have changed & then there is one next to the Bachelor of Arts section(first category) which has changed substantially. Not sure why they would be so different if the overall & Bachelors utilize all the credits.</p>

<p>Also, is the second major supposed to be listed in degree works?</p>

<p>And S completed the general education requirements & they keep moving in process classes into this & still showing as incomplete & moving things like AP’s into electives.

<p>LD, I’ve noticed the moving gen ed requirements as well. My D is finished with her gen eds, but each semester completed ones move out and in-process classes move in. There doesn’t appear to be any rhyme or reason to which classes appear in which section from semester to semester. I use degreeworks as a basic guide, but I don’t rely on it at all.</p>

<p>The semesters you check-mark to process the plan will affect the outcome. For example, I never check-mark the current or pending semester, or you will notice that things are double counted. Yep, it’s a guide alright, not the be-all-end-all!</p>