AP scores in Degree Works Yet?

<p>Has anyone seen this years AP scores show up in degree works yet? Can you post when you do? We did not call for scores this year, and have not received the scores in the mail. AND, my son is not positive that he put Alabama down for distribution. So I need to figure out if we need to put in a request for scores to be sent or not. </p>


<p>My son’s are not posted yet.</p>

<p>My daughter’s aren’t posted in Degree Works yet. She has been checking every day. We have the same issue. She thinks she put Alabama down when she took the tests, but now she isn’t sure. I will post if they show up. She does know her scores since she couldn’t wait for the mail and called on July 1. :)</p>

<p>Nope, my D’s scores aren’t in, and neither are her roommate’s. We called for scores, so we know she will be getting credit for everything, and she is 100% positive she put down UA to receive the scores. I think they just haven’t gotten them uploaded yet.</p>

<p>They tend to be hand-entered at the Registrar’s office- I’d wait another week or so before worrying.</p>

<p>when we get the scores in the mail, that will usually tell us where copies were sent. I just hate waiting, but don’t want to delay UA getting them either…But I REALLY hate the idea of giving college board ANY MORE of my money! They have sucked enough cash from my wallet…LOL</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for letting me know. We checked Degree Works and the transcripts. I guess it would hit both at the same time.</p>

<p>FWIW, the AP folks (College Board) uses an outside service for the scores-by-phone and the fee is charged by that service. Not sure if CB gets a cut of it or not. Next year the scores will be available online at no charge.</p>

<p>We are looking forward to seeing the credits applied in Degree Works as well!</p>

<p>My S’s AP scores arrived in today’s mail with verification that they were sent to Alabama.</p>

<p>Still no results in the mail for us yet…we got them pretty late last year too. This heat wave and all the electric problems have likely slowed them even more this year! </p>

<p>I am so irritated that they are going to make scores available online next year…NOT FAIR!!! LOL</p>

<p>Son took 2 AP tests this year and listed Bama to have them sent.
My question is, will his AP scores from the past two years be sent as well?
Or Do we have to arrange that seperately?</p>

<p>All of his scores should go together. The only way they wouldn’t is if the information he provided this year doesn’t match up with last year’s information.</p>

<p>DS’s scores arrived yesterday in the mail. All APs he has ever taken appear on the report. It indicates that he instructed AP to send them to Alabama. Hope this helps.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone…no AP scores for us yet. It will be interesting to see if we get notified by mail first, or if they are uploaded to UA first. It is interesting how some of the colleges get those scores posted so quickly. From what I have read, the AP scores are sent electronically to the colleges, and some have software that automatically posts them to the students transcripts. Because of that, many students find out their AP scores through their colleges before they receive notification from college board. </p>

<p>He did send the scores he had from tests prior to this year in the spring, along with his DE transcripts. He thought it would be easier to figure out what he needed to take if those were in Degree works- and he was right. </p>

<p>The spring DE credits are in there too. The only thing missing is the ONE AP credit he took this past year. If he was 100% certian that he put UA down to get a copy of the score, I would not be watching so closely.</p>

<p>AP classes are now in Degree Works:)</p>

<p>No AP scores yet on Degree Works for her. It says last audited 7/10 so we were hopeful…</p>

<p>My D’s scores are there!</p>

<p>no credits for me yet</p>

<p>My scores are there too!</p>

<p>If we have a question about how degreeworks applied her AP scores, should we call the registrar? She passed both AP English Language and AP Lit, but they only show completed credit for EN101. Under the requirements section at the top it says she still has to complete EN102 but at the bottom of degreeworks it shows EN102 as a completed elective class based on the AP Lit score, but doesn’t include any credit hours for it. My understanding was that if she took both and passed both that she got credit for EN101 and 102. For EN102 it says classes applied: 1, credits applied: 0.</p>

<p>This is how I understand it:</p>

<p>a 3 in either AP Lit or AP Lang gives you credit for EN101
A 4 in either AP Lit or AP Lalng gives you credit for EN101 and 102</p>

<p>A 4 in BOTH AP Lit AND AP lang gives you credit for EN101, 102, and 3 additional Humanities credits. </p>

<p>Someone please correct me if I am wrong.</p>