DegreeWorks issue

<p>DD checked her DegreeWorks today and her 6 hours of AP history credit from her Jr. year of high school are suddenly gone! Anyone else’s student noticed any problems in DegreeWorks this week? I told her to contact the registrar tomorrow. </p>

<p>Yes, While looking at my sons today I also noticed that his are gone. We were trying to figure out who to contact.</p>

<p>Just checked DS. His are fine. DS is in the College of Engineering.</p>

<p>I seem to remember in the past, DW is set up by the individual college or major. Were any updates by their major department done this week, ie new flow charts?</p>

<p>I noticed this today also and told my son to go by the Registrar’s office. He was told that the course numbers are being changed, and it should be worked out in a few days. Keeping my fingers crossed.</p>

<p>DD reports all is back to normal this morning! </p>

<p>My D is still not receiving credit for her AP World History score. They only gave her 3 credits for HY 101 when she should have had 6 (credit for HY 102 too). I know that it use to show she had fulfilled the HI requirement as well as the Western Civilization sequence. I guess that I will send my D to the registrar’s office. Does anyone have a location for it?</p>

<p>D just got back from the registrar. The person there told her they didn’t know if AP World counted toward the HI?SB gen ed requirement. It actually shows credit for HY 101 but not HY 102 which she should have since she got a 5 on the AP World exam. The weird thing is that up until this semester it showed that she only needed 1 more class for HI/SB which she fulfilled by taking psychology. The western civ sequence also had been checked off until this semester. The registrar’s office told her to talk to her advisor who would then have to do a force clear. Her advisor hasn’t been helpful to date, so I have a feeling he won’t know about this either. </p>

<p>Have any of your students received credit for HY 101 and HY 102 due to the AP World exam? </p>

<p>For the longest time, DegreeWorks has been telling my son that he still needs CL385 and CL386 in order to fulfill his Classics (second major) requirement.</p>

<p>He took CL386 last semester (got an A+), and he’s taking CL385 this semester.</p>

<p>Go figure.</p>

<p>@mominwestlake – My daughter has credit for HY101 and HY102 via AP and her Degreeworks shows these classes as satisfying the Western Civ. sequence</p>

<p>@paying4collegex4, that is good to know. I still don’t know why it showed it up until the end of last semester and then changed once she completed the last class needed for that general requirement. </p>