Denied Academic Expectations

Thanks mate,
I have applied to Wisconsin Madison as well.
And yes, I did follow the same path, applied for a different but seemingly equal major so that I can transfer after a semi or two.

@Nisargp005: The best and the fastest way to get a response from them is to call them. There intl admission email address is not very responsive… My friend sent an email asking about his application problem 3 weeks ago and had not received an answer until today because he called them directly. I would suggest you doing the same thing. Take some notes before you call them if that will help you with clarification!

@DavidVu They weren’t answering the call but I mailed to other counselors as well and I got reply from one.
The counselor asked me to appeal for reconsideration and try for some other major as CS program was full.

You are at a huge disadvantage. Do you know how many Indian’s and Chinese as well as very bright caucasians apply for computer science programs in the US? I would estimate that Purdue is accepting many CA kids of immigrants who score north of 2200 on the SAT, have taken a multitude of AP classes and exams, and have grown up here with excellent command of the English language. Sorry to say, but the US probably has more qualified candidates for the tops schools than they can admit. As an international, you would have to have an outstanding SAT and grades at a school the admissions officer know of to have any shot at an acceptance. India has so many good schools for engineering, I really have no idea why the US is an allure at the Bachelors level. Get your engineering degree in India, and get your Masters in the US. That is the time honored tradition that gives the best results.

What is the link for Purdue’s wait list confirmation ? One of my friend with almost a similar profile as yours got wait listed and now wants the link. Purdue was his first preference.
Also did you receive any further update.