
<p>3.93 overall gpa...general studies/chemistry major</p>

<p>i feel robbed</p>

<p>Sorry to hear that.
Do you mind me asking what your SAT/ACT scores were. It looks like your gpa is very close to mine.</p>

<p>im a transfer student</p>

<p>I know from experience too, transferring to A&M can be a pain. I was rejected twice with a 3.91 and then again with a 3.86. In my case, I hadn’t talked to anybody at A&M and that’s a big deal for transfers. Also, the first time at least, because my GPA was so high, I didn’t write the best essays.</p>

<p>yeah I kind of figured that after I said it, because you knew so early.
Hope you have better luck next year if you apply again or if you settle on another school.</p>

<p>How many credi hours do you have complete when you applied. Not counting those you are working on now, completed at time of application</p>

<p>i had 29 transfer credit hours… and i also didnt talk to any counselors over at TAMU. Honestly, i didnt even care about getting in because its not the school i wanted to go to, but it was my safety school and i feel like i should have been accepted into general studies at least.</p>

<p>I think what you just said about “didn’t care about getting in” might be a clue to the result. The acceptance desire goes both ways. A&M wants to see that you truly want to go there, and not just that they are a safety school for you. Since you didn’t actually visit the school and talk to any counselors, that was probably a factor. Perhaps your essays reflected that as well. Sorry for your disappointment.</p>

<p>If I recall correctly, I believe you need a minimum of 30 hours to even be eligible to transfer in. Not sure what your opinions are of the school but maybe this was not the best ‘safety school’ for you.</p>

<p>You need 24 completed hours at time of application to be considered for Spring admission.</p>

<p>Also as I understand the University is trying to move away from admitting students directly to General Studies.</p>

<p>Are you sure your hours are transferrable to A&M and that you have the “right” 24 hours to transfer? There is some reason you are not a good candidate for A&M and were rejected. I think if you had talked to a counselor, you would know why you were rejected. I suspect all your hours are not transferrable or they do not meet the admissions requirement for transfer and therefore you do not meet the 24 credit hour requrement to be considered.</p>

<p>If A&M is your “safety” school, I hope the school that isn’t your safety school isn’t as difficult for admission for you.</p>

<p>^stop getting mad at me calling it a safety school guys</p>

<p>But no I took out the hours that weren’t transferable and it adds up to 29</p>

<p>Also, They changed my major for me because I put engineering when I wasn’t cal ready…they changed me to gen studies and chemistry…that’s probably why I was rejected</p>

<p>you gotta give us a little room to giggle at your rejection from your “safety school” comment… </p>

<p>Sounds like you did not meet admissions transfer requirement by not having calculus. I know you know this now, but you should have gone to an admissions counselor long ago. Transferring isn’t a given, even with a high gpa, you have to meet the requirements. </p>

<p>Wish you well getting accepted into your first choice school.</p>

<p>^ya sorry If I offended you guys by calling it a safety school. I didnt mean it was less superior than my first choice…just thought I had a good chance of getting in. </p>

<p>Anyways, thanks for all the replies…</p>