
<p>Well - we are sending off our 3rd and last child to Loyola Chicago this fall - just put down the deposit for housing. The new buildings have greatly improved the look and feel of the campus. We just visited about a week and half ago and she seemed to fit right in. Chicago is an amazing city!</p>

<p>Congrats! Our ds may be there too. So you have been happy w/ the school? What did your kids study?</p>

<p>Oops - I did make that sound like all three of my children have gone to Loyola!</p>

<p>We are sending off our 3rd and last child to Loyola this fall, but the other 2 went to different schools. One on the East coast and one on the West. </p>

<p>We do know a number of families whose kids have attended (or are still attending) Loyola and they all have great things to say about the experience.</p>