Desperate for prep book advice............

<p>Didnt do so well in the PSATs....what will help me study...i got the BB [Official Collegeboard] .....what else to accompany it??? HELP IM DESPERATE!!!</p>

<p>If you’re dead set on giving yourself every opportunity possible to get the best score you can, and have a lot of time on your hands, memorize vocabulary and do as many practice tests as you can (I suggest Kaplan and Princeton, as they have books dedicated just for practice tests). Finish off preparation in the last few months by focusing only on BB tests.</p>

<p>However, if you want to get the best bang for the buck, go ahead and practice solely on BB tests.</p>

<p>Just my 2 cents; Good luck in your quest to conquer the SAT.</p>

<p>vocaulary - direct hits
CR - ONLY collegeboard material
writing MC - any source you can lay your hands on
math - CB stuff + barrons if you want a slight challenge
essays - all previous essay prompts (they’re online somewhere, google for them)</p>

<p>oh, and supplement direct hits with PR hit parade and rocket review core words if you have the time and energy. and if you really have tons of time, master the sparknotes 1000 list.</p>

<p>the princeton review hit parade is definitely helpful and they have a separate vocab book too that’s helpful. i had a hard time concentrating when i started studying, though, so to make studying feel fun i started with this comedic prep book, the laugh out loud guide, which made me look forward to my study sessions and that’s carried over now that i’m doing pr and the official college board tests. lots of practice tests.</p>