Desperately need for College advice (San Diego Beach vs Atlanta)

Hi everyone,

I’m currently struggling to choose between Georgia Tech’s ECE and UCSD’s Warren.
I got accepted to both school for Computer Engineering. Money is not matter. In term of reputation, opportunity, education, internship, research, which one is best to choose.
In term of ranking, Georgia Tech ranks higher for my field but overall ranking, both school are in close proximity. California may appeal more for me in term of the weather but Atlanta is not that terrible compared to my 3 years studying in the east.

Thanks everyone for giving me advice,

Both schools are excellent, particularly in CE.
reputation: draw, leaning GA Tech internationally but UCSD within CSE/ECE/Silicon Valley
opportunity: (this is vague) (lots of future employment opportunities in San Diego?) (but many in Atlanta too)
education: GA Tech has a smaller student body, so possibly them?
internships: UCSD is closer to more startups
research: UCSD has significantly more research spending

thanks @groverrohan … I’m leaning toward to Ga Tech because of its high ranking. Also, the financial difficulties within the UC system cause me to concern if it has any impact to the quality of education. Anyway, I’m going to visit both college to have a broader perspective

The UC system’s financial woes don’t really affect the quality of education (more the quality of student life, which is still not bad). Most professors, despite their pay grades, are still very passionate about their subjects. Visiting will definitely help. What are you looking for from your undergraduate and post-grad experience?