Developing specific interests in BS

So the big discussion and curiosity today at our dinner table is how do boarding school kids find or even develop interests or passions at BS? I’m not talking about sports or music, I’m talking about finding a an interest and voice for special causes, volunteering for people in need, environmental, coding or robotics or any other niche interest etc. …all those side efforts that student BUILD UP to put on their resumes for college apps. Or kids just dont have time to think about anything else?

All schools have a wider array of “niche” clubs


There is so much going on at BS! And unlike your LPS, clubs can convene after dinner and for extended periods on weekends, so it’s easy to get involved in things. It’s amazing what kids can get done when they aren’t limited by a parent’s unwillingness to drive!


This is so true. Kiddo has been able to try so many things because the activities and other participants are all right there. For the things that do require transportation, there is an adult and a car right there to bring the kids where they need to go. Some things stick and some things don’t, but it is so much easier to try stuff.

For example - rock climbing, Dungeons and Dragons, a long-standing environmental science data gathering project, math competitions, informal music, developing a community non-profit — are all things kiddo has tried. There are a bajillion things going on.

If he were home with us, I have no idea how he would get the exposure to all of that. At school he gets dragged into new stuff all the time by other students. That’s important, because if he is doing things with his friends rather than “for college”, they are more likely to stick.

Also, if your student has an interest that does not have an established club, s/he can start one to attract some like minds and get some leadership experience, too.

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