Did anyone find out about their ELC status for the UC's yet?

<p>I know they start notifying you late Aug- early Sept, but I havent heard from them yet, so I’m just curious. Also, are the guaranteed schools the same as last year? I think they were UCI, UCD, UCSB, UCR? thanks</p>

<p>How do you know if you are eligible for ELC, my GC never gave me a parental authorization form.</p>

<p>A couple of people on the 2010 parents thread said their kids have gotten theirs. I’m not in Cali so I can’t help you with the in’s and out’s.</p>

<p>your school notifies you at the end of your junior year if you’re in the top 12% of your class. they’re supposed to give you this form that your parents sign so that your transcripts can be sent to the UC’s where they choose the top 4% for ELC.</p>

<p>Yes, we got a nice letter and brochure. But, we received no ELC number or acceptance letter from any specific UC campuses.</p>

<p>Last year some students found out about ELC status as late as October. You can check this website <a href=“https://www.ucelc.org/ucschoolstatus/school_status_search.htm[/url]”>https://www.ucelc.org/ucschoolstatus/school_status_search.htm&lt;/a&gt; to see if your high school’s submission has been evaluated. If you don’t know your school’s code, just enter School name and City and it will display a list.</p>

<p>tokdoc, students are only accepted if they apply to the guaranteed campuses. Be sure to submit the UC application and all required tests before the deadline to complete eligibility.</p>

<p>There is no indication as to which campuses are “guaranteed” this year.</p>

<p>Last year, that information was available in October. Some of the guaranteed campuses sent out letters and invitations to apply, others did not. Historically, UCB, UCLA and UCSD have not offered a guarantee (though UCSD sends out letters encouraging ELC students to apply), so investigate the other six to find two or three that appeal to you. The application does not open until October and cannot be submitted until November, so you still have time to figure out which campuses to which you will apply. Good luck!</p>

<p>According to info on the 2010 thread, some students have received the official UC notification of their ELC status, along with a glossy brochure. I’m guessing the timing of receipt of this (it goes directly to the student, not via the HS) depends, at least in part, on when your HS submitted the information to UC.</p>

<p>My S hasn’t received anything yet, nor is he concerned.</p>


<p>Well, I tried the link you provided and it seems to think our HS doesn’t exist. Thank you anyway. </p>

<p>This is odd, as the HS has been around since at least the 60s, as I’ve seen alumni announcements going back that far. Oh well, if I’m bored during my lunch hour, I’ll go to the main UC site and nose around.</p>

<p>Does anyone know what happens if you are ELC but not accepted to the campus you choose? Will they offer you a spot somewhere else?</p>

<p>PhotoOp, if you are ELC, complete your eligibilty (SAT or ACT PLUS two SAT subject tests in two different areas, complete all A-G courses, graduate from high school) AND apply to a guaranteed campus, you will be admitted. If you are ELC and apply only to campuses not offering a guarantee, you are then put in a referral pool and offered a spot at a campus that still has room. (That campus is usually Merced.) Your best bet is to include at least one guaranteed campus in the schools to which you apply to ensure you are accepted to the one you most want to attend. It will NOT affect your “chances” of being admitted to UCLA, UCB or UCSD if you apply to guaranteed campuses, nor will it increase your “chances” to only apply to those top UCs.</p>

<p>FindAPlace - did you try entering the code for your high school? You can search for the code at the College Board site. And yes, the letters go out on a rolling basis - no need to worry.</p>


<p>Ah ha! Thanks for the CB tip. I thought the UC site would just populate that info, which is didn’t, and I did not know it was the same number as appears on the CB site.</p>

<p>thanks everyone! and thanks for the link, alamemom!</p>

<p>I think the timing of the ELC letters depends on when the high school submitted the documents.</p>

<p>alamemom: i went to that link and found my school, but i’m sort of confused about the information. what do they mean by : “Date Original School Report Sent”? the date that i have listed in the column across says “8/31/09”. but what report are they talking about? and does this mean that MY high school sent this report to the UC? or does it mean that the UC sent this report to MY school? also, since this report was sent yesterday, this mean that i find out my elc status soon? thanks</p>

<p>They moved this, so I didn’t see that you had asked me this question until just now - sorry!</p>

<p>The school reports are sent to the high school after the ELC evaluations are complete. [ELC</a> Notifications](<a href=“http://www.ucop.edu/sas/elc/notifyinfo.html]ELC”>http://www.ucop.edu/sas/elc/notifyinfo.html) The high schools also get the students’ ELC Identification numbers, so if the letter is lost you can get the number from your high school. (No need to try to get it before the end of September because the application doesn’t open until October.)</p>

<p>Based on the very limited examples I personally know of, the letters seem to arrive about two weeks after the school reports are sent.</p>

<p>oh i see… and no need to apologize haha. i actually really really appreciate the fact that you answer me at all! thanks for all the help!!! =]</p>

<p>I got my letter today (qualified), and alememom seems to be spot on in her suggested time frame. My school sent everything in almost exactly 2 weeks ago.</p>

<p>ok, great to hear =] and congrats btw!</p>