Did I get accepted to the University of Arizona?

<p>I know this may come across as really stupid but i am a current high school senior from Boston applying to the U of A which has been my dream school since I was in the 7th grade. I have a 2.7 GPA but attended a college prep school, and I have been checking MyUA daily to find out if I’ve gotten in . </p>

<p>I recently received an email from the office of admissions about Wildcat for a Day with the email saying “Alex, we want you to #BeAPart of the #WildcatFamily!”
I just wasn’t sure if those emails Were sent out to everyone or only those who were admitted. Since I am out of state I know nothing about the admission process of the university, all I know is I’m super nervous to find out </p>

<p>If your MyUA account doesn’t say “You have been accepted into the University of Arizona” then you haven’t been accepted yet. I’m OOS too and was accepted 2 weeks ago.</p>

<p>That is most certainly not an acceptance. OneBadGuanaco is right.</p>