did ND atually mail today?

<p>or are we guessing today or tomorrow?</p>

<p>I do know how to spell!</p>

<p>well, according to a number of bloggers, the admissions office was going to mail them on thursday, but it obviously appears that they did not. Some other bloggers said that they were going to be mailed out on or before saturday, but it do not think we have any definite answer.</p>

<p>According to another thread, a girl in Ohio received her letter today so if they send them all out at the same time we can probably assume they sent them yesterday. I live in CT, is there any chance of receiving mine today? I really don’t want to wait until Monday :(</p>

<p>yeah i’ll be a wreck at school on monday</p>

<p>Mail just arrived nothing today - In New Jersey</p>

<p>Came Saturday, 3/28 in Michigan</p>

<p>^ was it an acceptance, waitlist, or rejection??</p>

<p>they have officially been sent… the wait is almost over.</p>

<p>if im in southern florida, how long can i expect if they were sent on thursdday?</p>

<p>on another thread in the ND forum there was a link to a postal service in which you can plug in your zip and it figures it out for you</p>

<p>i looked at that, but it only showed times for priority mail/express. and i thought ND just sent it regular mail?</p>

<p>if i understand correctly, the postal services ship mail on sunday but do not deliver (that is why mondays are heavy mail days). therefore, i would say you have a 50/50 shot of monday or tuesday.</p>

<p>NO WAY i can’t wait til tuesday</p>

<p>I got my letter on saturday… it was an acceptance!</p>

<p>Congrats! that’s great news, I hope I get an acceptance, but I doubt it =/</p>

<p>Are these being sent out Priority or First Class? That would make a difference in delivery times.</p>

<p>i think i heard priority, but not sure… i would imagine that new england, and the south get it on monday, with the west coast, and southern florida get it on tuesday. I would think that everyone should get it by tuesday.</p>

<p>well, it appears i am a little off as another blogger in miami got it on saturday, so maybe everyone will get it on monday???</p>

<p>Priority will make it two days to the West Coast, so with luck it will be on Monday</p>