<p>Don't deny it.</p>
<p>I’m not quiet. But I can get moody sometimes.</p>
<p>Why make a new account to post that? Apparently some CCers are ball-less, quiet depressed teens.</p>
<p>LMAO at the pure randomness of this thread. You made a new account just to say this, huh?</p>
<p>Personally, I am neither depressed nor quiet.</p>
<p>I am known to be very loud and very social in all my classes. I suppose I defy the odds.</p>
<p>Yup, I admit it, I’m definitely the most quiet, depressed three time class president, party animal to live…</p>
<p>Depressed is the new happy</p>
<p>I’m depressed and angst-ridden. I’m only quiet when I don’t have anything to raise hell about :).</p>
<p>speak for your self lalalalalalalalalalalalalalallala…!</p>
<p>I never shut up. </p>
<p>And yes, depressed is the new happy.
So, yeah, I could be labeled depressed but I’m the funniest, entertaining, depressed person this side of the planet. </p>
<p>He he… Contradictory am I.</p>
<p>I call BS. I am a loud, depressed young adult.</p>
<p>You kidding me? Have you seen all of the ECs everyone has? Some of them might be depressed, but they sure as hell aren’t quiet!</p>
<p>haha i m quiet…sometimes…w/ a whole group of classmates and when i m eclipsed by popular/loud peers.
depressed…i think many CC’ers get depressed by their grades, the idea that they have to give up some or all of their social life to get good stats for college, college admissions/rejections, etc. but if they dont have ANYONE to talk to (even some random CC’er haha) they can and will stay depressed. hence, most CC’ers arent depressed for too long (that is what College Confidential is for)</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure I’m not depressed because I get excited by the little things in life, like snow! Also, I’m definetely not quiet.</p>
<p>I am definitely not overly-social, and I am quiet, but I wouldn’t quite call myself depressed.</p>
<p>Nahhh. Quiet? Sometimes. But mostly I’m making loud sarcastic comments with my loud, sarcastic friends.</p>
<p>Depressed? Nope. Not when there’s all these gingerbread cookies and hot chocolate to keep me company :).</p>
<p>most…not ALL.
in any case i am most definitly not quite or depressed</p>
<p>I am quiet most of the time because I like watching people and eavesdropping. The only time I’m a loud mouth is when I’m with my close group of friends or when someone gets me into an argument about the environment or education system. Also, yea, I get depressed a lot, but that’s because I’m bipolar and have family trouble. Truthfully, I couldn’t care less if I get a B or a C (although that hasn’t happened yet), I know my dream college will accept me regardless.</p>
<p>Looks like I’m the only CCer to fit that description.</p>
<p>Sometimes I’m quiet. Sometimes I get depressed. Sometimes I’m both quiet AND depressed. But not always.</p>