<p>so i sent my application in on nov 29 b4 the scholarship deadline. i filled the scholarship appilcation and qualified for the academic/merit-based scholarships (which is good money!)
and i was supposed to send the student profile which it said on the form in bold letters had to be received by dec 1.
but due to a huge confusion and bad luck and it being TG break, i gave the form to my counselor on dec 1. (btw it's a form that your conselor fills out and mails to the honors program office). and the counselor filled it out and mailed it the next day and it prolly got there by about dec 5-6.
so will they still let me get that scholarship.
if not, is there anything i should do about it? call them and explain or something? (or would that hurt more)
and say i don't get it, do i not get it for all four years or just freshman year?</p>
<p>oh man, i was in the same situation, and i ended up driving that dang form four hours to college station to turn it in in person.
i’m not sure exactly how lenient they will be, but i would call.
good luck!</p>
<p>oh wow. i was thinking of driving it too but my parents would have gotten really mad lol
but i did send it and it got there 4 -5 days late. so do you think i should just stay quiet and let them get it n check my status once i get my UIN, or should i actually call (could that end up hurting me?)</p>
<p>so lions01, how much are you getting from the academic scholarships? cuz i heard they’re really generous with those. and if i miss it this year, can i apply next year?</p>
<p>since you don’t have a UIN yet, if i were you, i would call, i don’t think it would hurt anything. you may find out that the sheet won’t be accepted, but at least you tried. and you should be able to reapply for scholarships next year, but i believe it’s a different process.</p>
<p>& i’m actually not sure exactly how much i will be receiving scholarship-wise, but i did receive a letter earlier in the year offering $14,000 over the four years since i am a national hispanic scholar. so hopefully i do get that, but no word on scholarships or acceptance yet.</p>
<p>i think so? when i turned mine in, it took a few days to actually get a “recieved” message, but i did get one, so i would guess that means you are in the clear. but i wouldn’t quote me on that, did you end up calling the office?</p>
<p>i actually first called a&m and asked for the fin aid status and the guy told me how to check it online. the guy thought that if it said “received” it should be fine, didn’t seem to really know. so i’ll call a&m again after they reopen from christmas brk and ask if it says “received”, if that means they’ll accept the student profile</p>