Difficult to become a male nurse?

<p>I'm looking into becoming a nurse but I'm a male, does that make getting accepted into a nursing school harder or easier?</p>

<p>You still need to have the grades, but there are not many male nurses, so you would be a welcome member of any freshman class.</p>

<p>There are generally fewer male nurses in college nursing programs, so you would likely have an advantage in the admission process. You still need to have good grades, but it will work in your favor.</p>

<p>Red carpets are rolled out to the male nursing students, as well as nurse. All things being equal, the male would get the admission. The same goes for employment.</p>

<p>Agree with samiamy–my brother is a nurse. He walked into a hospital in MO and was hired on the spot, resume pending! Been there for years now and is moving on to nurse anathesiologist (sp?). He is very happy!</p>

<p>I’m also a male wanting to be a nurse!</p>

Congratulations, nursing is great career and has numerous avenues to pursue. I would say I have worked with the most male nurses in the ER. It is an environment that many male RNs feel the most comfortable.

Since most applicants are women, I would think being male and otherwise good stats would give you an edge.

go for it. your grades and abilities are all that matter.