Direct admit with modest stats

Hi - while I know a lot goes into a direct admit nursing program outside of grades / test scores, with all the competitiveness I’m wondering if anyone was a direct admit with modest stats (3.6 at college prep / academically rigorous / putstanding science grades) + 26 ACT. . Is it a pipe dream to try direct admit? Looking through this nursing thread it appears the majority have really outstanding grades and test scores. Thanks.

It is possible. Also, look at the direct admit programs listed in this forum and determine which schools admit using a holistic approach.

@Finalthree It is doable with your stats. You have to look to find the hidden gems. Lesser known named direct programs, smaller direct programs and those with less competitive direct programs are the ones to go through with your other checklists (can you afford?, location ok?, Close/far from home?, and more). See the latest updated direct list at the link below and the discussion at the link below for this year’s nursing students for more info

The vast majority of the many (close to 50) direct entry BSN programs in Pennsylvania would be possibilities with your stats.

Maryville (St. Louis) direct-admitted my daughter with a similar GPA, and they are test-optional (so her lower-than-yours ACT was not a factor). Got her a good merit scholarship too.

There are many programs that would fit the bill using the criteria @readthetealeaves mentioned above.

Some states have a lot of direct admit options - apparently it’s a regional thing. Take a turn through the list of direct admit programs to get started. It’s been updated, so start from the latest post.

Appreciate the responses. She’s looking at some of the smaller programs that have more modest “minimum to be considered” requirements, but then I read through these nursing threads and the majority have a 30+ ACT and close to a 4.0, which she is nowhere near. I am hoping that some of the smaller programs that receive a huge volume of applications are ‘safety schools’ for many applicants and that some others will get cleared through wait lists. If she doesn’t get in direct admit, I know there are lot of avenues to the nursing profession but we will try this one first.

I had bookmarked the thread below. The op was from CA, but did a great job of reviewing direct admit schools across the country and why they chose them. I found it helpful in trying to come up with a list for my daughter.

You have a shot at the state schools in Pennsylvania, although Bloomsburg and West Chester may be a reach. You can apply to all via the PASSHE website: East Stroudsburg, IUP, Clarion, etc. Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) was my daughter’s back up and they have an honors college that you may even be able to get a partial scholarship to.

I would love to know what schools your daughter has decided to apply to . We live in CA and my daughter was very keen to stay within 3 hours drive and attend a 2x2 Nursing school ( she won’t get into any of the direct entry schools here so not applying). We figured if she had to do a BSN in Community Health and then apply for a one year BSN that would be ok. However, she is going to be spending this senior school year doing an ROP in Nursing and will be in a hospital 4 times a week. figure she may finish the year wanting a nursing degree in 4 years and would like her to have some options. Thinking with her stats best options look like some of the schools in Ohio or PA - but both so far from home.

My daughter had similar stats and was admitted to a number of direct admit programs including Stevenson, on of the Pitt satellite campuses, East Stroudsburg and York (where she ended up going) – several others too

My daughter’s stats were slightly better (3.9 gpa/29 ACT) and we are from CA. She didn’t get into UCI, the only CA direct admit she applied to but did get in to several others including: Seattle University, University of Portland, Florida Atlantic University and ASU. She is in her first year at ASU and loves it and got a good enough Merit Scholarship to have the tuition = California University. ASU isn’t a 2 hour drive, but only a 90 min flight.

@Finalthree S 20 26 ACT 3.65 UW GPA. Accepted to two PASSHE schools for direct nursing IUP and ESU for Fall 2020.

@LollieW What is your daughter thinking of ASU? My only concern was the relatively high GPA needed to stay in the program? Also curious if she was offered any merit $ at FAU. My daughter has similar stats and is just getting reading to turn in applications.

@RNMOM2 My daughter loves ASU. The nursing school is on the downtown Phoenix campus and they house all nursing students on the same floors. What is nice about Downtown is that all of the buildings are within 5 mins walking distance and all of the kids on her floor have pretty much the same classes so there is always someone to study with, ask questions, etc… the professors and staff are there to help them succeed and have been great. The 3.5gpa scared me too but they start with lower level classes like English and Math and those boost the GPA. There are also humanities type classes that are easier too. Don’t get me wrong, she has a very hard Chem class now and will have AP next semester but they space those out so you can focus on them. There is also free tutoring and help everywhere. She studies a lot but is still able to be in a sorority and enjoy the football games and events on the Tempe campus which is a short (free) shuttle ride away.

As for FAU, we never went that far in the process since she quickly decided she didn’t want to be so far from home. I did see a post here recently by a mom whose daughter was at FAU and did get significant merit.

My modest-stats daughter got a direct admit! Still shocked. Happy. But shocked.

@Finalthree - where did she get in? What a relief to get an admission early in the process!

Marquette! The only think I can figure is 1. they must have paid attention to honor classes and her STEM grades (v high stem, low english) + work + service hours + really good optional essays. In other words, it’s not on stats alone.

Hello. Looking to find out where your nursing student ended up attending. You had mentioned ESU and IUP. My daughter accepted to both. If it was one of these two schools, how it is going so far, likes or dislikes. Thanks in advance.