Direct Deposit?

<p>For those of us who got accepted to RD, do we have to pay a direct deposit to secure our enrollment? I know those who got accepted to ED had to pay $200 through their Canelink, but I'm not seeing anywhere to pay on mine... (I got accepted RD) </p>

<p>It’d be great to get some feedback on this</p>

<p>Yes, you must pay the enrollment deposit of $300 dollars. The system will not let you complete the housing application until the enrollment fee has been paid. </p>

<p>I had to pay $550; $300 earmarked as Intent to Enroll and $250 for Housing Deposit. This was done thru CaneLink.</p>

<p>Where did you find this? Was this under the finance tab? Because right now it says I have no enrollment deposit to pay…</p>

<p>The same thing happened to me. On Canelink I was never asked to pay an enrollment deposit, and then when I searched my information on another enrollment payment site on Miami’s website it said that I had no enrollment payment due. A student in the admissions offer didn’t really offer any help on it, so I think I am going to send it in the mail along with the paper to accept admission that was sent in the acceptance package. </p>

<p>If you search enrollment deposit university of miami on google, you can find a page on the Miami site where you can pay the enrollment deposit without the use of Canelink. Although for me this didn’t work (it still said I had no deposit to pay), it may work for some of you.</p>

<p>It has been a while, but I think that I did it this way:
Go to CaneLink
Go to Student Center
At the bottom of the page, there is a section that says “Admissions”.
Below that and to the Right, there are words in red. They may say “View Application Details”. Enter, and follow to pay.</p>

<p>GOOD LUCK!</p>

<p>@WasatchSk1er I went there, but it just says that my application is complete. There’s no window for me to pay my deposit… </p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If the link doesn’t show up, google university of miami Parents/delegates submission of enrollment deposit, or just search that phrase on the u of m website.</p>

<p>Also didn’t work. I think I may give admissions a call to see what they can do, or I may just send the money by mail. </p>

<p>Today We were able to pay the Admission Deposit of $300 but unable to pay for housing… Its not allowing us to pay…</p>

<p>That’s ok. There was a one delay delay when I paid. I think that it has to do with the time it takes to process the first payment. Tomorrow, you should be good to go.</p>

<p>still cant pay for Housing … </p>

<p>After you pay the enrollment deposit you will need to wait up to 24hr for them to clear your account. Then you can pay the housing deposit. Note that you admissions status will change but don’t worry!</p>

<p>Actually I was able to pay after 24 hrs. </p>