Diversity weekend opportunities

<p>My son has not responded to all the diversity invitations received. I realize he has missed some deadlines. Will it affect his chances of admissions if does not go to these visits? My husband never went to college and I attended a community college with rolling admissions. This process is overwhelming and confusing to us. We need a generous financial aid package if he is to attend a private university. He is in the top 500 performing students on the SAT for his nationality and carries a 4.0 gpa. He is interested in majoring in engineering or finance(depending on the school). Would attending a LAC affect his ability to get admitted to a good MBA program? I would appreciate any guidance. We live in NY.</p>

<p>Has anyone heard of or received an invitation to MIT’s Weekend Immersion in Science & Engineering (WISE)?</p>

<p>yea yea I’m going to WISE are you?</p>

<p>similygerl, welcome to CC and the Hispanic Students forum!</p>

<p>Attending a diversity weekend may help a student by showing interest, but not applying or attending shouldn’t harm his chances as students don’t attend for many reasons (eg. conflicts with other commitments, traveling alone, etc.)</p>

<p>Please start a new thread (see the button on the upper L side of the list of threads) and ask your other questions.</p>


<p>Although some school may hold tight to diversity weekend deadlines I found a lot allow you to apply late so if there is one he is interested in attending contact them ask if the opportunity is still available.</p>

<p>If he is into engineering then for sure look at Cornell. Contact person there is Dee Gamble. They have good weekend visits and I remember they allowed you to apply after the deadline.</p>

<p>My son was invited to WISE at MIT and he is attending. I know very little about the program. Is it open to all or is a specific minority recruitment program?</p>

<p>hey I’m going to MIT WISE too. I think the majority of the people who come to WISE are minorities but other races come too.</p>

<p>@sunnyone and xlalalola are your children on MIT ACCESS by any chance?</p>

<p>So is being invited and attending a diversity weekend a good indication that a student might get accepted later or are these colleges just giving us plane tickets for fun? haha I have been to another diversity weekend but I was reading college confidential and someone said that even students who attend some of these diversity weekends like dartmouth bound have the same chance of being accepted as the regular applicant pool.</p>

<p>Is this the case?
I am the first child in my family to go through the American college process so these diversity weekends are very different and new to my family and I thought going to a diversity weekend( all expenses paid for) at a good school was a big deal but maybe it isn’t?</p>

<p>Any insight is greatly appreciated</p>


<p>Since my DS did some of these visits last year I have to say whether it helps or not attending a diversity weekend depends on the school. Once my son went to the diversity trip for Ohio State they bent over backwards to help him on all issues. My son went to another college for a diversity visit and they really didn’t do anything extra.</p>

<p>If I were you and offered this paid visits I would go especially since you are first generation. The visits will help you decide on the type of colleges you want to apply to as well as give more insight into other issues that may arise such as distance from home. For those colleges where a diversity visit may give you an extra edge the visit will get you on their radar. My son was offered a lot of visits but did not take up all of them because he decided to only attend the schools that fit the type he wanted to attend (i.e. no visits to small schools not located in urban areas).</p>

<p>Also if you find a school you like who has not offered you a diversity visit contact their multicultural affairs office because some might pay for visits on a case by case basis.</p>

<p>alright thanks for the info.</p>

<p>I looked up the MIT WISE program. It is for women in engineering and science. Can men attend this program?</p>

<p>discos, (btw, itsv, love the typo! :smiley: )</p>

<p>Ds was offered several trips but only went on two. At one school, he was accepted; at the other, he was WL’d, so definitely no guarantees.</p>

<p>haha I just saw that typo.</p>

<p>that Wise for women is a different mit Wise haha the one I was invited to was for girls and guys</p>


<p>registration is full now but I think you can contact the program to ask to be put on the waiting list.</p>

<p>Xdancingatdiscos and Youdont’say:</p>

<p>So sorry about the typo. hey I turn 50 tomorrow so maybe my eyesight and brain are shot. Well at least it gave me a laugh right now. It’s what I get for trying to do two things at once.</p>


<p>kelliealexandra on another thread posted a ton of diversity visits. I would check her list and contact any schools you are interested. Some schools will agree to give diversity visits only by direct invitation while others let other interested students join. As you approach the start of school and fall be on the lookout for your mail and emails. You will find that if your grades and sat are good you will get bombarded with offers and other important mail. Be sure to read it and follow-up on it. Many schools that offer diversity visits will also send waivers for applications. Since applying may be considered a “no-brainer” add a couple of those schools on your list as a safety.</p>

<p>Sometimes a “dream” school can’t become a reality due to money issues and these other schools may provide you with an additional option. For my ds he applied to Tulane and University of Arizona because the application fee was waived and the application was a shorten priority app (no essay and super easy) Arizona ended up offering him a 100k scholarship which was a backup plan if the didn’t get enough for his other choices.</p>

<p>Bumping this up because D2 just got a couple of notices for diversity weekends:</p>

<p>Hamilton College:</p>



<p>[Hamilton</a> College - Diversity Overnight - Application Form](<a href=“http://www.hamilton.edu/admission/diversityovernight?]Hamilton”>Home at Hamilton - Admission and Aid - Hamilton College)</p>

<p>Note: Hamilton offers only need-based FA, no merit scholarships:</p>

<p>[Hamilton</a> College - Financial Aid - Scholarships](<a href=“http://www.hamilton.edu/finaid/scholarships]Hamilton”>Financial Aid - Scholarships and Grants - Hamilton College)</p>

<p>Denison College:</p>

<p>“Air Denison”: This looks like it’s by INVITATION ONLY, yesterday D2 got a hard copy via snail mail and I don’t see anything on their website. This might have been generated by a list from Ventures Scholars, NHRP, NMS semi, etc. It never hurts to ask, so if you haven’t gotten an invitation, give Denison a call and see if they’ll send you one.</p>

<p>Sept 22 through Dec 8, visit campus for a 1-night stay and they pay airfare (up to $500, excluding baggage fees); ground transportation to and from airport, student-host and all meals provided. Attend classes, experience campus life, meet students & faculty. You can either do an individual overnight (Sun-Thurs) or attend one of their Fall Visitation programs.</p>

<p>Note: Denison offers many merit scholarships, several of which are for diversity and they are for substantial amounts:</p>

<p>[Academic</a> Scholarships - Denison University](<a href=“http://www.denison.edu/admissions/academic_scholarships.html]Academic”>Denison University | A top liberal arts college located in Ohio)</p>

<p>Washington University in St. Louis has their weekend this coming weekend. Rice University hosts a weekend October 2-4. WUSTL was willing to fly my D out another weekend since she could not make it this weekend. My guess is that invitations were iniatiated from PSAT or ACT…not really sure. Rice hosts a VISION weekend in February for URM’s who have applied to Rice and that they are interested in. Good luck!</p>

<p>scripps university has one this weekend too.
john hopkins has one october 21st to the 23rd. unfortunately thats my homecoming weekend!!</p>