
<p>I was wondering how much the religous affiliation impacts the school. would someone who was muslim feel out of place? is it a welcoming place for african americans? or are there obvious divisions in the student body?</p>

<p>As far as religous diversity goes, everybody should feel comfortable here, and if they didn't it wouldn't be because of our affiliation. Racial diversity is a somewhat more debated topic on campus. It appears that racial minorities are happy here. However, it is likely the case that the racial minorities who do come here are people who chose to come here knowing that Davidson is not the most racially diverse college in the country and they accept this. So it might be the case that the racial minorities who chose to come here are happy, and yet not all racial minorities would be happy here. So you can see the debate can quickly become quite involved and this is certainly an issue that Davidson is consious of and discussing / addresing. I reccomend visiting campus to get a feel for yourself. I don't know the exact figures, but I can guess that the percentage of the student body who is african american is between 5 and 10 %. I hope this helps, hopefully other students will chime in. If you want me to put you in contact with a person of a specific ethnicity ot religion feel free to either post or shoot me an email. </p>


<p>How many Koreans are there?? I heard that there are only like 7~8 ish Koreans at Davidson.</p>