I asked b/c son is signed up for ENC 1102 but does not need the C composition credit for graduation if takes required/suggested ENC 3246 later.
When he got the ENC 1102 course thought, ok, takes more “C” classes than required but probably needs it for Gordon Rule 24,000 requirement. Turns out more DE classes than expected got him GR word credit so he ONLY needs to take ENC 3246 later to meet both GE and GR requirements.
Now ENC 1102 doesn’t sound like the smartest choice. Unless, some engineering sections do NOT have the ENC 3246 requirement and then he would need 1102 for the “C” credit.
Or, if he changed his major to something else and that track did NOT include a required upper level C class with 6000 word credit. I don’t have any sort of feel for that. It seems like I’m skimming thru “model path” to even see what majors require what and maybe not even correct to say required, could be a suggestion.
Any input? This is probably a questions for Gator88NE 
Wait a bit, I need to try to map this all out on my white board… 
Both of my engineering kids skipped the two ENC classes (due to AP and AICE credits). They both HAD to take ENC 3246 because it was a college of engineering requirement (for Industrial and Aerospace engineering). Most if not all engineering majors require ENC 3246. In fact, for Aerospace, ENC 3246 is a pre-requisite for EML 2322L (Design and Manufacturing Laboratory) and EML 3301C (Mechanics of Materials Laboratory), as ENC 3246 covers how to write a technical paper/lab report.
Thank you. I can see transferring in with more Composition and GR credits than need b/c of upper level required classes but it does seem silly now to take ENC 1102 unless it would just be good to improve writing. hmmmm. Need to think about it. thanks again for quick reply.
One more thing, when I look at the “model plan”, link for computer science, can I infer all classes listed are required for the major? Is there another place on the website that spells out required courses for particular majors without the semester format?
All of those courses are required.
At this link, you can look at the BS-CSE degree requirements and tracking sheets (2014 to present). These were last updated in 2016.
By the way, engineering curriculum, don’t have a lot of flexibility, outside of electives.Most classes have pre-requisite classes requirements, so they need to be taken in order.
Im not engineering but a ton of my friends are and i reccomend taking enc3246 online… Its a tough class but online seemed a bit more manageable. however, some people may hate online classes but if your kid doesnt mind then ive heard online is better.