So, should colleges just accept students with the highest grades and test scores? Nothing else should be a factor?
<p>What a strawman! Since when was wanting to get rid of racial AA with getting rid of non-racial holistic admissions the same thing?</p>
Big picture, for me, I am extremely concerned about what the odds mean for the vast majority of African Americans. For me, how much time do “we” want to spend bemoaning the fact that 1500 African American kids might get a “boost”, and can maybe even afford to take advantage of it. To me, perhaps aside from applying for an elite university, it seems like a pretty good thing to be Asian. Being born Asian, at least in the US, and without trying to decide who deserves credit or fault, seems to increase your odds of “success” drmatically.
<p>I think that’s a more of a socioeconomic thing. Black and white and Asian kids whose parents make the same amount of money all have the same amount of opportunities. I don’t see why a black student living in a suburb or the inner city wouldn’t be able to succeed as much as a student of another race with the same background.</p>
[QUOTE=Yakyu Spirits]
I love the gross sense of entitlement of CC. The elite colleges are trying to build a class, not just assemble the highest SAT scores and GPAs. If they wanted to do that, they would just feed your transcripts and test results into computers and make decisions electronically with no human intervention.
<p>Do Asians make worse members of a class than people of any other race? Do they do significantly less extracirriculars or volunteer work or have worse essays than people of any other race?</p>
<p>Anecdote: At my school, the Asian and black populations are about the same. </p>
Not sure if this have been mentioned or not, but UK universities, including Oxbridge and the G5, do not factor in race, athletic recruitment, legacy status or any other factors which we would call “hooks” in their admission process.
<p>I would be interested in seeing the demographics of the student body there. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a very substantial amount of Indians.</p>
I would hope they do discriminate against asians, then there would be too many of them at my school.
<p>Oh no, too many Asians! What would we do? What would happen if there was “too many” black or Latino students at your school too?</p>