Do I have a chance at these schools?

<p>I'm 50% Mexican and 50% Ecuadorian and my mom and dad were born in Mexico and Ecuador, respectively, so I am 100% Hispanic. </p>

<p>My SAT Scores aren't that great in CR and Writing</p>

<p>My Scores:
Math - 710
CR - 600
Writing - 620</p>

<p>I'm really into computer science and I wanted to know if you think I have a chance at getting into Carnegie Mellon University or Cornell since those 2 schools are ranked pretty high in computer science and engineering in general.
Does being Hispanic really factor into this?</p>

<p>See my post #2 here for some general comments about Hispanics and college admissions:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Have you participated in any of CMUs summer diversity programs? </p>



<p>And considering you’re interested in CS or Eng, the math score is relatively low for these schools.</p>

<p>Well, I just retook the SATs this Saturday and I think I got a 760+ on Math. I have not participated in any summer programs at CMU.
Since I’m going into computer science these would surely help right?
I’m the lead programmer on the high school robotics team and I got a 4 on the AP Computer Science exam.</p>

<p>It’s difficult to determine an applicant’s chance without seeing the entire application. Quite honestly, I’m surprised by all the chancing that goes on in CC. In some cases, it’s clear that test scores and grades are not competitive for certain universities. But for students in range, there is no way to gauge how certain factors will play. For example, a bad essay will not help an application. The best you can do is look at the middle 50th percentile for test scores and see where you fit. I believe you are in the middle 50th Math SAT score for CMU, but the CR score is not. You could also look up GPA range and see where you fit in. After that come a lot of factors that are difficult to gauge (e.g. ethnicity or ECs).</p>

<p>If you use the reach, math, safety approach, then you can apply to an academic reach and if it does not go your way, you may have other options.</p>