Do I have a shot or is it a waste of time?

Concerned high school junior looking at Purdue here

I’ve always taken rigorous courses throughout high school, we’re talking all honors and AP for all 3 years. My grades have been a fairly even mixture of A’s and B’s but recent events have called that into question. It now looks as if I am going to get a C in my AP macroeconomics course this last semester of Junior year. With my calculations I have deduced that the best GPA I could get coming out of Junior Year is a 3.48 and the worst a 3.36 with my ACT score being a tad on the lower side at a 26.

My simple question is: How screwed or not screwed am I at getting into Purdue, and if I am indeed screwed, what decent engineering schools in the Midwest area would accept me?

I don’t know enough about Purdue to answer that part of your question, but you might look at U Dayton.

Also, can you take the June or September ACT to see if you can bump that score a bit? Or perhaps try the SAT? That’s not a bad score at all, but higher would open up more options.

Took the SAT and got a 1210. What about my GPA? Is it at least acceptable?

Are you an Indiana resident, if not Purdue will be a reach for you. There are many schools in the Midwest that would be a good match for you. University of Toledo and University of Cincinnati have long standing engineering programs and are mandatory co-op schools. If your looking for more of a campus town try Ohio University. In Kentucky the University of Louisville and maybe a bit of a stretch would be the University of Kentucky. Good luck.