Do I have a shot?

<p>I've heard so many great things about UW and Madison and I think it could be a great place for me. But I'm not sure my stats will measure up...especially my UW GPA.</p>

<p>Connecticut HS - Good reputation
SAT - 2040 (CR 690, M 700, W 650)
GPA - 3.1 UW 3.7 W
Mostly Honors courses throughout with 2 APs Jr year and 4 APs senior year
Leadership positions in the Drama Club, Tri-M, and participation in musicals each year
Community Service through the Friendship Circle....partnering with children with learning disabilities</p>

<p>Any thoughts or comments are greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>Need an upward trend badly.</p>

<p>Your GPA is very low for WISC. Do you know your class rank? If it is your school’s grading policy issue, then you still have a chance.</p>

<p>Ditto on the gpa. UW uses unweighted grades, that’s the gpa reporting you will find on the website.</p>

<p>“Good reputation” for your HS. So many HS students don’t realize this means a typical Wisconsin HS so don’t assume your HS is any better than most or that it will mean much for admission.</p>