My gpa is terrible. Do I have any chance at getting into a UC? My preferences are UCSB, UCSC, and UCI. I also wanted to go to Boston University and NYU, but I don’t think that’s happening.
I’m a junior, BTW.
GPA: 3.00 (unweighted)/ 3.43 (weighted and capped)
Rank: I don’t know… but my school is known for being rigorous
ACT: 31
AP: 3 in Euro, 4 in Lang… taking APUSH, psych, and APES this year
SAT: taking it next week, plan on taking lit and math 2 subject tests
Extracurriculars: Editor in chief of a student run online magazine, internship at a local magazine, writing articles for the same magazine about exceptional people in the community, ESL tutor, 7 cup of tea listener, crisis hotline counselor, started own writing club online with 127 members, marathon volunteer, self taught guitar, 3 years varsity track, 2 years varsity cross country, 1 year junior varsity cross country (injury)
Achievements: been published (Is that an achievement?), CSF, runner of the year (freshman)… yeah, nothing much
Job Experience: part-time freelancer and editor
Hooks: URM?, first gen
Income: less than $22,000; mom’s a single mother
Major: Journalism
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Female
Thank you so much.
UC’s are very GPA focused so your lower than average GPA will have a large impact on your chances. Your test scores are in range for the majority of the UC’s and if you a compelling reason for your lower grades, then they can be addressed in your essays which could help your chances.
Freshman admits for UC GPA of 3.40-3.70 are as follows:
UCB: 2%
UCLA: 3%
UCSD; 6%
UCD: 11%
UCSB: 13%
UCI: 16%
UCSC: 47%
UCR: 64%
UCM: 80%
Your best chances for a UC are Merced, Riverside and Santa Cruz. If you are CA resident, I would check out several good Cal States such as Cal State Fullerton, Cal Poly Pomona, Sonoma State, Cal State Long Beach, San Jose State to name a few good schools.
Good Luck and calculate your CSU/UC GPA at the end of Junior year:
Sorry Typo: “If you have a compelling reason (s) for your lower grades”.
You’re a junior, so if you finish this semester with good grades, I believe you’ll have a chance of getting into those schools. Keep in mind that your essays and EC’s also play a big role in the admissions process. I personally think that you have impressive EC’s. Your ACT is already higher than average, so I suggest you focus on your GPA instead. Just make sure to do well in all your classes. Showing an upward trend in your grades could help your chances. I also recommend taking any summer school courses for acceleration if your school offers them. If your school offers ROP summer classes, look into that as well. If not, contact your local CC and ask them about dual enrollment. I live in SoCal, and my local CC offers free tuition for high school students wanting to take college courses for credit. And like Gumbymom stated above, check out UC Riverside and Cal State Universities. Local applicants get priority admission, so check which Cal State school you’re local to. Subject tests are actually recommended, but not required for UC’s. Check the UC website for more details on that. Remember that no matter where you end up in, you’ll reach your goals if you stay determined. Keep a positive mindset, and remember there’s a way in and out of everything. Good luck!
a lot hinges on your grades this semester - so do your best and check back in when you have your final grades.
I would echo some of the sentiment above. Merced and UCR are the most likely. There are lots of CSUs that are likely to accept you too.
@NotReallyThere what major did you apply to since there is no journalism program at UCs at the undergraduate level
Also, as an Asian student, you would not be considered as an URM. Asian students are considered over-represented, sorry
California public universities do not admit based on race: it’s illegal in the state.