Hello. If you want the quick question, read the last to paragraphs.
been a while since i posted anything. Here’s my situation, I’m wondering if I should lose some extra curriclers if they won’t matter to college admissions. My dream school is Texas A&M if that help. I’m about to be a junior. I’m a full honors student. My unweighted GPA is 3.5. My class rank is top 30%. I take the SAT and ACT this year.
• TSA- I want join Junior year- technology student association- I wanted to try it this year, since i’m looking at majors, and engineering seems to be the most fun and interesting.
• Academic Decathlon, Octathlon, Pentathlon(6+ years and captain I will have been captian for 2 year by graduation) - My life kinda revolves around it at times. I always metal gold or silver in Math, Science, and Economics… IDK if colleges care.
• Book Club - I Joined Sophomore year- I have the potential to be president. Would a college care about that?
• Multicultrural club / Act-SO (both have the same reason)- I want to join Junior year - Does it make me seem diverse?
• Church Youth Group (5 years by graduation, treasurer, fundraising advisor, and Maybe captain) - I don’t know if colleges will care about that because its a church. Or does that really not matter?
• Reel Owl Film Cinema - I Joined Sophomore. it is essentially a club where we make movies from scratch, comepose soundtracks, deal with actors, and see how life is inside the film/TV world. I Might become an officer. Does it seem so unrelated to the other clubs im it that it may hurt me?
• Anime Club - I joined Sophomore year- No chance at being an officer. Not very active in it, just their. Should i not bother putting it on a college list
• Color Guard - I will join Junior year - I’m a music composer (for 1 year) for them and joined the team this year. I might become an Officer,
• Writing club - (founder) - Technically I started it freshman year, but the sponsor keeps leaving the school(either in labor, fired, gets a better teaching job, etc)
Yeah so to sum up my question, do those clubs make me look like a “well rounded student”? Do Colleges care about awards won from clubs like Academic Decathlon, Act-SO, or Reel Owl Film Cinema? Would they care about me working in a church youth group? Would they care if I’m a club founder? or about being a captian or officer of a club?
thanks in advance for the answers.