Do I have weak extra curriculers?

Hello. If you want the quick question, read the last to paragraphs.

been a while since i posted anything. Here’s my situation, I’m wondering if I should lose some extra curriclers if they won’t matter to college admissions. My dream school is Texas A&M if that help. I’m about to be a junior. I’m a full honors student. My unweighted GPA is 3.5. My class rank is top 30%. I take the SAT and ACT this year.

• TSA- I want join Junior year- technology student association- I wanted to try it this year, since i’m looking at majors, and engineering seems to be the most fun and interesting.

• Academic Decathlon, Octathlon, Pentathlon(6+ years and captain I will have been captian for 2 year by graduation) - My life kinda revolves around it at times. I always metal gold or silver in Math, Science, and Economics… IDK if colleges care.

• Book Club - I Joined Sophomore year- I have the potential to be president. Would a college care about that?

• Multicultrural club / Act-SO (both have the same reason)- I want to join Junior year - Does it make me seem diverse?

• Church Youth Group (5 years by graduation, treasurer, fundraising advisor, and Maybe captain) - I don’t know if colleges will care about that because its a church. Or does that really not matter?

• Reel Owl Film Cinema - I Joined Sophomore. it is essentially a club where we make movies from scratch, comepose soundtracks, deal with actors, and see how life is inside the film/TV world. I Might become an officer. Does it seem so unrelated to the other clubs im it that it may hurt me?

• Anime Club - I joined Sophomore year- No chance at being an officer. Not very active in it, just their. Should i not bother putting it on a college list

• Color Guard - I will join Junior year - I’m a music composer (for 1 year) for them and joined the team this year. I might become an Officer,

• Writing club - (founder) - Technically I started it freshman year, but the sponsor keeps leaving the school(either in labor, fired, gets a better teaching job, etc)

Yeah so to sum up my question, do those clubs make me look like a “well rounded student”? Do Colleges care about awards won from clubs like Academic Decathlon, Act-SO, or Reel Owl Film Cinema? Would they care about me working in a church youth group? Would they care if I’m a club founder? or about being a captian or officer of a club?

thanks in advance for the answers.

the first line means to say the last 2 paragraphs

They’re not super weak, but nothing really stands out. Try to get some killer EC’s. Also, you may want to pay closer attention to spelling and typos from now on. First off, it’s extra curricular, not curriculer, and I noticed at least two more typos. Just trying to help.

Thanks for the feedback. I was on my phone when i wrote that. But what is an example of a “killer extra curricular”?

Sorry, I forgot to say @tigerrocks13

Winning a state competition/award for a club/organization, getting an article published about something that involves your future major, etc.

You have to have a passion that comes through from your extra-curriculars. Right now, it seems that you’re just joining clubs to pad your application. They can see through that immediately. The only real thing seems to be your church group.

I wouldn’t join a multicultural club to appear to be diverse. That’s not what the colleges mean by being diverse.

Additionally, whether you are on your phone or not, your application won’t get through the first round with all of the very noticeable mistakes. That is what will stand out to them. They want people who can write a basic sentence.

You need some help in basic grammar.
“Two”, is the number.

“To” is implying an additional direction, as in go “to” the store, “the child was asked to clean her room”.
“Too” is used as an emphasis: “wait for me, I want to go too.”

Look up the differences in there, their, they’re.

First I’d like to thank @“aunt bea” for that insight. I don’t want to create a padded application. Its just this list is smaller then my first, so I though it was humble… apparently not.

Next I want to thank @tigerrocks13 . Thanks a bunch! My color guard team actually intends on making it to state. Does that count as a “killer extra curricular”? Even though its a team competition?

The one time I’m not a grammar Nazi…Probably hypocritical that I made a writing club… I used to have an account dedicated just to correcting other posters, so I’m getting a little irritated about my mistakes. I made this account for a new start…but if it will comfort you in knowing that I can preform proper English, you can check my other posts, and you will find one mistake where I put an “i” instead of “I”. Alright, I don’t want to get made and complain about my bad grammar on my phone. I’m aware of all 13 mistakes. Would you prefer if I re-post the question for more answers?

Now, you said you couldn’t see my list as passionate. Why is that? From my perspective, I see 2 passions: Love for writing music (writing club, Color Guard composer, Book club, Reel Owl Film) and Engineering Mathematics (Academic Decathlon(regularly earning metals in math and science at the state competition) & Technology Student Association (an engineering competition). How could I help make it seem passionate?

It may be because I just love the clubs(and I do honest to goodness love most of these clubs), but I don’t want a college to think I’m “padding” my application. Because I though I narrowed the list down enough to the clubs I’m most involved / interested in. Should I shorten the list?

How could I make it more noticeable what my passions are?

By passionate, we mean that every EC almost points back to a certain theme… Maybe that’s the medical field, politics, computer science, etc. Not everything has to be related to it, but most of them should. And the color guard going to state is a good EC but not a killer.

Okay, now i get it. Thank you @tigerrocks13 .

Your dream school is Texas A&M. I suggest you take a good look at their application, as they will require you to list extracurricular activities with leadership and years of involvement, and in a separate section volunteer work, and in yet another section awards and honors, and whether those were at the national level, state level, regional or lower, with “local” school level being the lowest, and in yet another section is work experience.

Once you enter everything on a college application, you’ll want the entire message to come across as this person is truly interested and talented in areas related to the intended major of engineering, and also has great writing skills, plus long-term commitment to an activity, leadership skills, recognition, etc.

You’re on a good path. Your questions “does a college care” and “do I look well-rounded” are not really the right questions. Yes, branding is very important – packaging yourself in the best way possible. But it still needs to be “you” that is being packaged and presented, and that means the most critical question is what is important to you. Activities that you have been involved with for years, that have consumed your time, in which you have held leadership positions – these are all important. In other words, of course include your church involvement and your academic decathlon.

Have you done any volunteer work? If not, that section of the application will be blank. Consider possible volunteer work related to your major, or consider whether any of your church activities were related to volunteering and serving others. Have you had any work experience? If not, seek out a summer internship related to engineering ideally, or something that ties into the area of engineering that interests you most. Do you have any awards and honors for that section of the application, or do you anticipate receiving some? If not, enter some more competitions, including national competitions. Also consider science fairs, as they typically have categories related to engineering. For ideas on all of these things, see under the tab “programs/events.”

Should you drop any activities to focus on the most important ones, and to focus on taking the hardest classes available to you? Yes, and you can also “focus” your remaining activities. Can you write a script or make a movie in your Reel Owl Film club about an engineering topic? That would be great, and possibly something to feature in an essay on a college application. If your writing club really isn’t working, can you shift gears and blog or write freelance for some publications, and cover engineering topics? Super! Do you get the idea?

Drop the activities that do not reflect long-term commitment, leadership, or some tie-in to your intended major or enhancement of general skills like writing, so you can really focus your efforts these last two years. Anime, multicultural club and color guard seem less important than seeking out volunteer work, an internship, and competitions related to your intended major, plus continuing with your leadership in clubs you’ve had long-term commitment to already. Colleges want well-rounded student bodies more than well-rounded students – it is better to appear focused.

Just wanted to add that in the end, here is what needs to come through once you package everything on your application: “From my perspective, I see 2 passions: Love for writing music (writing club, Color Guard composer, Book club, Reel Owl Film) and Engineering Mathematics (Academic Decathlon(regularly earning metals in math and science at the state competition) & Technology Student Association (an engineering competition).”

The answer to “How could I help make it seem passionate?” is to remove or not add any activity that does not help show these two passions – such as those you listed initially that are not in this summary (e.g. multicultural club and anime), and add volunteer work, internship/work experience, and if possible more awards related to engineering, math and science, so you will be able to fill out these sections of the Texas A&M application and others. Also remember to focus the writing/reading activities – e.g., read books related to your intended major. Does composing music really fit? Do you do that for both the Color Guard and the Reel Owl Film club? If it’s just the Color Guard and this is time-consuming, as I suspect it is, then remove that activity to leave room in your schedule to add volunteer work or an internship related to STEM.

Also don’t forget that Texas A&M and other universities will look at your academics first, so be sure you are taking the highest level classes you can handle, and the recommended number of years of core subjects like science and math, and making As. Make time to practice the SAT and ACT as well.

One more thing – Texas A&M and other colleges will require you to rank your activities in order most important to you. What I see as your number one activity right now is this: “Academic Decathlon, Octathlon, Pentathlon(6+ years and captain I will have been captian for 2 year by graduation) - My life kinda revolves around it at times. I always metal gold or silver in Math, Science, and Economics…”

It is number one because of the number of years you’ve been involved, how your life has revolved around it at times, your leadership roles, your many awards and honors from it, and its clear tie-in to your intended major in engineering. Colleges will care a lot about this activity, and it would be very appropriate to feature it at the top of your activities list, and include all the gold and silver medals on the awards and honors list (you could lump them together to fit on the application).

This is spot on. @lessonwitch2, your ECs as presented are way too weak because they are too diffuse and don’t show enough depth. Adding more would just make things worst.

Compare the applicant as presented in the OP with the following applicant:

Which of these two applicants do you think admissions committees would consider over the other?

Hey guys. Sorry I’m so late, 1st 6wks with band practice and 6 honors courses was a little harder then i thought it would be, but i’m pulling through

Oh thank you!! SO its more about how I present what will be liked best, in a way that is liked best by their school. Now were do I begin. @mommyrocks, that is a great idea. I didn’t even think about entering engineering compititons to compete. I just joined TSA and hope that can get me a good amount of awards this year (my school always makes it to nationals). And you suggest my application be more revolved around Acadmic decathlon and Church, that’s great. I’ve also composed music for film and color guard. (I was planning on doing it also for TSA, but not if its too time consuming) And I will do my best to cross both communications and engineering. Also, thanks for telling me that college cares about Ac Dec. I was about to take it off my list since it seems like I’m trying too hard with it. And @renaissancedad I also love your 2nd application! You make it sound more connected! What do you guys think about the following:

Should I post like my scores in the club, or just participation
I have done very little Volunteer work. I was actually planning on finding some during spring semester. Is that too late in the high school career?
Finding an engineering job… I wasn’t aware of getting an engineering job without a degree? Could you recommend where to start looking?

My courses – Revamped
GPA – 9th – 10th – 11th
GPA – 2.8- 3.9 – *4.4
SAT (practice) – 1120 (600 math 520 Reading)
I take 7 honors courses, so I don’t think I can take more.

Classes - Junior Year

Pre Calculus (DC)
Physics 1 (AP)
English Language (AP)
US History (AP / DC)
Computer Science I (IB)
Film 3 (IB) (I’m the rig and set builder) – final project: Documentary of Mechanics in Special Effects
Academic Decathlon 3
Engineering Design and Presentation 6
Color Guard 3

Classes - Senior Year (subject to change)

Calculus AB (AP - But won’t take exam)
Physics 2 (AP) OR Food Science 1 (H) - Food science is just for fun
English Language and Composition 1-2 (DC)
US Government / Psychology (Both DC)
Computer Science 2 (IB)
Film 4 (IB) (I’m the rig and set builder) – Final Project : Documentary on success at TSA
Academic Decathlon 4
Engineering Design and Presentation 7
Color Guard 4

Clubs - What i would talk about

Reel Owl Film Cinema

  • I have real work experience building and rigging sets
  • Was a telecommunications and mechanical engineer intern

Book Club

  • Founder of club
  • Joined the American Writers Association
  • Placed top 4 schools in Northeast Texas at first competition

*Color Guard (Original Music Composer) – Just so I can write more about communications

  • Began at tradition of writing original songs
  • Lead the team to their first Area victory last year(and hopefully state this year) after never making it their for 21 years
  • Hopefully becoming a Captain (I am currently a 3rd in command)


Academic Decathlon

  • Plan to make it to State for the first time in 8 years
  • Perfect scores on Math and Science (topic was energy)
  • Ranking winning regional for the first time in 6 years last year

Technology Student Association

  • Joined this year
  • Will have a portfolio of projects to show them next year


  • Church involvement
  • TBD – Volunteering (10hr per week)
  • TBD – Intern (10 hr per week)

also @renaissancedad how did you know I work with animation? I do design, but I don’t remember including it.

You do a film program and Anime Club. Not a big leap. And I would include it in your revised list somewhere, perhaps best to film.

I love your revised list. You stand out as a really vibrant applicant with a lot of colorful interests that fit together: your IB film with a focus on set design, combined with your film/anime, plus your writing and music interests, all portray you as a very creative person. Your IB project connects these interests to your engineering focus.

Congratulations. Your individuality and passion for what you do really stand out. Your interests come across as not a scattered mishmash, but rather a bunch of connected activities relating to your core interests, and for which you have a real passion.

Great job.