Do I need a new computer for Engineering?

I know A&M says you need one of three models of computer with certain specs: a HP, Dell, and MacBook. If you buy from them you get some maintenance plan and all that. I’m wondering if I really need to get a new computer? I have a laptop that is a PC and isn’t one of those models but it’s a solid, not too old computer. Do you really need those specific specs on your laptop and need those exact models? Is it mandatory to have one of those laptops? If so, which then would you suggest I get? Thanks

You’ll be fine

I believe their laptops come preloaded will all the software you need for engineering.

It appears it is mandatory. I think I am going to get the MacBook pro, I have a 2010 model and it has lasted me all these years.
What upsets me is that apple has a newer MacBook pro with faster processor that they released this year, but we have to buy it through a&m so we will get the older version,while paying same price as if we got the new updated model.

@patstar5 My son is a freshman in engineering. He purchased his MacBook directly from Apple Why do you think you must buy from A&M. Is that a new requirement? It wasn’t required last year.

My A&M grad and my current student were both told they didn’t even need a computer for A&M engineering because they could use campus computers. One took a MacBook Pro and one took something else. Both were fine except the MacBook son did sometimes need to use campus computers, but he said it was well worth it as, overall, he wasted less time on computer problems than did his brother. I did not realize they had changed the rules, so we’ll have to look in to that for my incoming freshman. Haven’t bought his computer yet.

So you can buy from elsewhere?

Here are some things I found on BYOD website:

“Students entering the Look College in Fall 2015 or Spring 2016, must purchase one one of three configurations described below.”

“Undergraduate students entering the Look College are required to follow the BYOD policy of purchasing one of the configured devices designated by the Look College. No student will be denied admission to Texas A&M University based on an inability to purchase a computer.”

"Is a device really required?

YES. Students must purchase one of the devices on the BYOD website."

So it has to be one of those models but it didn’t say if we had to purchase it from the college. But you do get 4 year warranty purchasing it through them. I think the MacBook would be the only one you could buy from elsewhere because it looks like the other two are built specifically for A&M (HP is, dell maybe not).

I’m going to email them to get some clarity on this.

They do want you to buy one of those 3 computers. They do not have to be through A&M though. The advantage of getting them through A&M is for the warranty and service if you have issues. The software you download from a website with your student ID #.

I’m currently a junior in cven and I just built a desktop with great specs and downloaded everything I need. There will be computer labs for all the the assigned projects on the computer but most don’t finish the projects in the allowed class or lab time. So that requires you to go back to the lab or just do it on your own computer. Most of us like to work in groups so typically we will just all get together in the lab and end up using the lab computers because they are faster. I also have just a normal decent latop for if I need one on campus but typically I do most of my HW in my room. Lots of students also have the Lenovo ThinkPads because they are an excellent computer. I have several freshman friends in engr and I have yet to see why they have to have those computers but I guess only time will tell. Hope this helps

We opted to buy from Apple because we preferred to get AppleCare instead of the warranty.

We switched to a Mac at home years ago, so while my older kids were fine with either Mac or PC, my youngest is more familiar with Mac. Glad to see the link posted by @patstar5 that shows a Mac is fine. The one shown is the 13 inch, which is a better size for popping in a backpack, but my current Aggie has a larger one. I’d get pretty tired of that 13 inch screen, so I’ll have to ask just how often he takes his to campus. Macs seem to weigh a lot!

We bought a Macbook with the warranty instead of AppleCare. The warranty is a year longer and lasts all 4 years of school. Actually we have done this twice, one for each of our college students. The warranty was used recently when my daughter’s motherboard had issues. It was replaced free with no issues.

Well I was wrong. A&M is selling the most up to date model, the 2015 MacBook pro. So I guess I will buy from them since they have a better warranty.
I still have to buy windows for it. What do most people use? Do they dual boot or use parrarels to run it side by side? What windows version should I get? Windows 7, 8, or should I wait for 10?

We preferred AppleCare because it covered software as well as hardware and it is more global. You can get service in other places besides College Station. But to each their own. :slight_smile:

How many years is apple care warranty?

The phone apple care warranty requires you to go to an Apple Store for same day service(sadly we know this) - the closest is in The Woodlands. IDK if the computer one is the same? We did our computers through Best Buy since there is a store right by the university with Geek Squad. They also run discounts for new graduates & college students.

Yes, AppleCare requires you take the computer to an Apple-certified service center, but there are many of those around the state of Texas and out of state. In fact the store selling the A&M laptops is the Apple service center in College Station. So they would handle repairs if you had AppleCare, too.

With the laptop you buy from A&M, I think you have to take it to that store in College Station for service. That can be inconvenient at times. You can buy AppleCare from the College Station store too and be doubly covered, but that seems wasteful.

The AppleCare is 3 years. It is an additional charge, so be sure to ask for it, when you purchase your laptop. Again. I’m not trying to change minds, just giving some data to consider. My kids traveled alot with their laptops so we wanted to be able to get it fixed anywhere.

@barfly my S took a monitor from home to hook up on his desk for a larger screen & has the smaller portable laptop version to take to class. Works great for him, plus the desks are pretty small depending on the classroom.

The SafeWare insurance allows the user to get repairs at any Safeware provider not just the store at the MSC. They can also send it in for repair if a location is not convenient.

Either insurance is optional so if you want it don’t forget to ask. MacResources in the MSC can give you the details and differences of each.