Do I still have a chance to get in?

<p>Im going into my senior year of high school and I have a 3.6 GPA and I am also ranked in the top 10% of my class. I took my SAT recently and scored a 1470(I know its really low). I am scheduled to take it again in October and I am hoping to get at least a 1600. I really want to try and get into TCU but I don't know if my grades and what not are acceptable for the school. I have heard that even though some people don't do well on their SATs they still get into good schools because they have good GPAs and are involved, which I am. I am in the math club at my school, I have been an officer in our International club for 2 years now and I also play on the varsity tennis team. Please let me know if I still have a chance getting into TCU. Thank you!</p>

<p>Your GPA seems average for TCU. Maybe a bit low but I think it’s acceptable. I think your SAT score could hurt you though. You have time to study for it. Don’t worry wo much about the writing section… I’m not even sure TCU counts it. Practice math and English questions every day. I mean EVERY day. Do 1 if that’s all you can do. But do 1.</p>

<p>Study your vocab words too. They are tricky on the SAT. You can do it! Don’t forget to write on your essay that TCU is your first choice and WHY you want to go there. :slight_smile: Good luck!</p>