Will I get in?

<p>Okay so TCU has literally been my dream school for the past four years. Most of my classes consist of honors classes and my GPA is about a 3.5. I haven't taken SATs yet but i plan on it for May and June. I do a lot of volunteer work and im really involved with stuff going on with the school. I wanted to know if I would have a chance of getting accepted to TCU? If anyone could let me know how they got accepted that would help me out so much! Im from Boston and know that this is the school i want to go to. Thank you!</p>

<p>Yes, you have a chance of getting accepted, but you’ll worry yourself to death if you’re already this concerned. Relax, do your best going forward, and things will work out as they’re supposed to.</p>

<p>As far as “what did you do to get in?”, I think the answer is going to be the same for most accepted students. They did their best in high school, did well enough on the SAT and/or ACT, wrote a decent essay, and then let the result take care of itself. I don’t think there is anything “extra” you can do that you wouldn’t already be doing as a college bound high schooler applying to any good college.</p>

<p>Finally, my daughter also loves TCU, but the final decision has not been made. Some very strong competition emerged from schools previous not on her radar. The things you love about TCU are present at many colleges, not just TCU, so your best strategy is to keep your options open, keep an open mind, and don’t over-think it or stress yourself out. </p>

<p>Sometimes in life, when you want something so bad, it causes you not to get it. Relax, do your best, and if you are a good fit for TCU, they will see that in your application and be interested in you.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>I had your same stats and I got in with a $12,000 scholarship. Don’t worry. You seem really smart, and I swear there are so many dumb people at this school and I wonder how they got in…</p>

<p>Topgun70009, with so many “dumb people” around you at TCU are you still happy with your choice? Presumably the $12k scholarship (congrats) was a factor in your choice, so are you happy with the academic rigor and discussion level in your regular classes or in your honors classes (if any)? I’m deciding between TCU (is OOS) and a large more highly ranked public…</p>

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<p>Kpatter, my son is starting at TCU next year. TCU is changing faster than the collegial world can imagine. The selectivity stats between last year and this year are unbelievable. College Board says the admittance rate is 53%. That is from last year. Our regional admissions rep said this year, the admittance rate is at 30%. That is a huge difference. TCU had 19,000 applications this year for about 1,600 freshmen. Students turned down Duke, UCLA, USC, Chapel Hill and other very prestigious schools for the hands-on, warm, spirited experience of TCU. Additionally, many students admitted into that cross-town rival of SMU chose TCU instead. It is on its way to becoming a highly selective school. Schools like USC have admittance rates of 24%; UNC at Chapel Hill and Boston College were at 31% last year according to College Board. I really believe TCU is the place to be. At a recent admissions event, they said the kids entering in the fall of 2011 are best and brightest class in TCU’s history. It will only grow stronger.</p>

<p>I agree with Silverado that lots of schools can surprise you and offer you a wonderful college experience. Try to be open minded when you start applying to colleges. Give yourself lots of choices in the small, mid-size, large, public and private arenas. You just never know what YOU are going to want come Spring of your senior year. Best of luck to you. :)</p>

<p>Silverado – hoping your D decides on TCU! :)</p>

<p>Rice1961, Oh my gosh thank you for your post. It was so very informative and helpful! And I so agree with your comments about the warmth and private attention given each student (I certainly felt that during our tour). Guess TCU is not a secret any more! </p>

<p>Sent from my ADR6300 using CC App</p>

<p>I think Rice1961 is right. I got into TCU and UCLA, UC Irvine, UC Davis (regents scholar 7.5K scholarship) , Tulane (18k scholarship), SMU (half tuition scholarship), University of Minnesota, and I am still going to TCU this fall. Financial aid/scholarship (TCU is very generous to me) is a big reason, but I also have to say good thing about TCU business school as well. </p>

<p>Go Horned Frogs!</p>