Do I Still Have A Chance To Get Into "University of Arizona"?

I’m a High School student in a bit of some trouble right now. I’m finishing up my Sophomore year right now and I messed up badly, I might end the last (second) semester with 5 F’s and 1 D. Here is what my transcript will look like if I don’t pull it together a little bit.

Freshman Year Semester 1 Grades:
C,C,B,D,D,C (Also an “A” and a “B” from extra Elective Classes)

Freshman Year Semester 2 Grades:
A,C,D,B,D,C (Also an “A” from extra Elective Classes)

Sophomore Year Semester 1 Grades

Sophomore Year Semester 2 Grades “PREDICTION”

GPA Prediction: 2.0 (C or C-)

If I were to make up those classes, get A’s and B’s Junior and Senior year, while at the same time taking extra Elective classes, I could possibly get a 3.0 to 3.4 GPA. But would they still let me in? Thank You.

PS: I called the admission office and they said “We don’t have a minimum GPA requirement nor require a SAT/ACT score” according to the lady on the phone.

Seems like you might need to repeat 10th grade, but it is possible to recover.

I live in Anchorage, Alaska. According to the Anchorage School District you can’t repeat a grade, but can repeat classes :frowning:

Those F and D grades presumably disqualify those courses from meeting the subject requirements described at . Some can be fulfilled by test scores if you are not able to repeat those semesters of those courses. But then you will be competing with other applicants based on the usual type of admission factors:

The University of Arizona doesn’t require an essay, but it is strongly recommended when you have something in your background you need to explain. Those grades will need to be explained.