Do the homeless in NYC give NYU students problems? Any experiences?

<p>i think NYC, like any big city, is dangerous at night if you're alone. i always go someplace with a friend if it's at night just to be safer, especially if you're female. but college campuses tend to be safe.</p>

<p>even at night, if you stay on big streets and popular hang outs (ie. fifth, sixth avenue, times square, rockefeller center, etc etc) it's pretty safe.</p>

<p>riding with the midnight gang helps too :)</p>

<p>"don't carry more than 20 bucks on you at a time, wrap your loose change up in tin foil so people can't hear it rattle, and do whatever it is they ask you.</p>

<p>NEVER ride the subway; always take a cab."
"lots of undesirables ride it if you know what i mean."</p>

<p>these are some of the most ridiculous comments I have ever heard. I've lived in the city my entire life. Only certain subway lines are bad at night. As long as you stay on the major avenue lines and don't go to anyplace like Harlem in the middle of the night there's always a lot of people on the train.</p>

<p>dilo, I think those comments were meant as a joke.</p>

<p>Living in the city will definitely bring you into contact with people you wouldn't normally spend time with but you're more likely to be accosted by dealers than by homeless people. If you use common sense, you'll be fine.</p>

<p>When you decide to attend NYU, you are putting yourself in the midst of greater drama, simply because you are in the city. I wouldn't worry about homless people and whether or not they will bother you. Mind your own buisness, leave them alone and don't try to provoke any havic or controversy. Homeless people are not always the way they are percieved on TV. They are not always the wondering hobo on the street or the bag lady with the tattered clothing. Rather,they too are just trying to get by. To be scared of a homeless person is so incredibly shallow. You need to educate yourself on how to be more open minded to society. It doesn't mean that since somebody lacks a home, they are some type of a barbarian. Don't you see that they too are real people who happen to have unfortunate circumstances??? If you lost your home today, I bet the last thing you would want is for some privledged little NYU student to look down on you, go on CC, and start a post about whether or not they will hurt you or give you problems. Get real.</p>

<p>ahh new york, my first american city
and now im going back, i cant wait</p>

<p>i lived in queens, and the definition given by websters, it was a ghetto. but i felt that it was a good idea (of course coming from the 3rd world every thing looked amazing)</p>

<p>one time a homeless dude approached me. I was with my uncle and i was dribbling a basketball. He came right infront of me and got in my face. I stopped dribbling and just stared at him. He told me this, "you f--king shmuck, all you young f--cking shmucks today are the same. Dont let others f--king stop what the f--k you are doing. Keep on doing whatever the f--k you were doing, dont be a f--king shmuck." I started cracking up. My uncle smiled at me and told me to keep on dribbling. Then I continued bouncing the basketball around the blocks. </p>

<p>i still hold that memory close to me. It is one of the coolest things that happened to me and i respect his advice. That's New York for you. If you can't handle that, then think over your decision. </p>

<p>Several family members of mine have been jumped and robbed from time to time. However, all of them love New York. The city provides a "home" for every personality. I personally believe that just walking the streets of New York will allow you to see the world. </p>

<p>Its arleady been said. Common sense will get you far in the city. You better pack some street smarts if you want to come to New York or be willing to change, or have the ability to change New York. The people of New York are of my experience and they are good people in general. Move in numbers, avoid dark and silent areas, learn when to cross the street, when not to follow rules, have self control, etc. I will have an amazing 4 years there. Its all up to what you make of new york and the university.</p>

<p>Although i doubt you have to worry all that much at NYU and Manhattan.</p>

<p>I am not saying that I am some little NYU student who is scared of the homeless. I was only asking because a family friend of ours said that they are a big problem - I am not being uncaring by asking if that was accurate or not. Get over it.</p>

<p>"CLEANED UP NEW YORK" What kind of attitude is THAT? u guys shouldnt even go to nyu go to some rich prep snob lac schoool.. .im sure rich cities like wellesley, ma where girls walk around with little coach bags dont throw hot coffee at you</p>

<p>Dreams - are you talking to me?</p>

<p>i think u worry too much</p>

<p>maybe u should worry about dying of choking on unfully chewed food
u can die of lots of thing other than just homeless people giving u problems...</p>

<p>maybe when ur walking down the street a tree will fall on u... is your family friend concerned about that TOO/</p>

<li>I really want to go to NYU and asking a question about safety is not a snobbish thing to ask. I personally am not worried but my parents are and they are afraid that things like that happen alot - I only posted this thread to prove that it is not a major problem.</li>

<p>haha dont worry nyu is in WASHINGTON SQUARE... if they want to bomb anybody, they'll bomb the UN... who cares about a college? im sure they have tons of fairly paid security at UN. my mom thinks columbia or john hopkins or anywhere near queens is filled with gangsters and she said her friend had a daughter who went to columbia but transfered to uchicago cuz she got too scared/robbed too many times walking down the street, but i still think thats overexaggeration</p>

<p>hahaha...didn't like faux-harlem (morningside heights) so she transferred to hyde park?</p>

<p>out of the frying pan and into the fire!</p>

<p>Riding the subway is fine, hundreds of thousands do it every day in New York...Never ride the subway? jeesh....New York is a walkers City as Ds and were just there and walked everywhere, took the subway - gosh even after 10PM!!!!</p>

<p>PS- if you are afraid of living in a big city, and feel like you will always be in danger, don't go to school there. NYC is fine. Did you know there are storms in Florida that take out houses and kill people? Mud slides in LA? Snowstorms in Chicago? Earthquakes in San Francisco? Car accidents in Oklahoma? </p>

<p>I live a a city with many homeless. Never had any problems. Sure some ask for money...big deal, just move on. I find if I acknowledge them as human beings, I generally even get a smile. The rude people- well its the business people in such a rush the crash into you, the impatient big car drivers who run red lights. The people that take up two seats on the bus. The people that have 15 items in the 10 items line. Those are big city irritants that get much more on my nerves than the homeless.</p>

<p>And as one poster said...we should all be thinking about ways to help the homeless situation, not fear it.</p>

<p>PS Parents will overreact to something because they are afraid. Its interesting that they chose a homeless nonissue to be so concerned about and listened to third hand information and one persons perspective. It is good you are questioning that person's experience. Would they let you go to school in Colorado? What about Texas? Things happen everywhere. I live in a city with earthquakes. And people say, oh gee, how could you live there? Well, we like it here.</p>

<p>"CLEANED UP NEW YORK" What kind of attitude is THAT?" </p>

<p>-Facts are facts. I equate less homeless people in the area and low crime rates with cleaning up. </p>

<p>"u guys shouldnt even go to nyu go to some rich prep snob lac schoool.. .im sure rich cities like wellesley, ma where girls walk around with little coach bags dont throw hot coffee at you"</p>

<p>-Huh? Have you ever been to NYU...its probably the world's capital of girls with Coach and Louis Vuiton bags. </p>

<p>Go to NYU? I'm an alumnus.</p>

<p>And I totally agree with Groovygirl, asking about safety has nothing to do with snobbery.</p>

<p>but keep in mind that theres fauxLV bags among the real ones u see... tons of it, and DENSITY wise im sure other cities have more designerbagcarriers than NYC... if you calculate amount of population owning bags to amount of population owning bags costing over $500 hahahaha</p>

<p>anyone who goes true the trouble of actually figuring that out.... well... yeah.</p>

<p>"DENSITY wise im sure other cities have more designerbagcarriers than NYC"</p>

<p>That depends on how you define it all of the city (all 5 boroughs) or just Manhattan? Manhattan has more moohlah than anywhere and pretty much puts any other city to shame.</p>

<p>haha mite i suggest beverlyhills instead of manhattan?</p>