Do the homeless in NYC give NYU students problems? Any experiences?

<p>beverly hills is one big subdivision.</p>

<p>okay the part in beverlyhills where all the rich people live</p>

<p>haha thats what i meant, all it is is residential area, so everyone who is rich will be in their houses with all their expensive purses, hahaha.</p>

<p>Seriously, Beverly Hills is more hype than anything. There are areas of NY (5th Ave, Park Ave, etc) that are much richer than Bev. Hills. Also there are NY area suburbs in NJ and Connecticut that are surperior to 90210. New York is a center for business/finance, while LA is home to utterly useless celebs. and wannabe celebs...its clear which city can buy out which. If anything, the west coast money is in Silicon Valley, not Beverly Hills. </p>

<p>"ESRI found six affluent ZIPs in San Francisco and Silicon Valley, which together form the money center of the West. Los Angeles has just four. Its most celebrated address, Beverly Hills 90210, came in a distant No. 35 nationally, reflecting in part that the ZIP is home to both glitzy houses and not-so-ritzy apartments. Beverly Hills ranked second-lowest in median income; some people only act rich."</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>People scared to ride the subway are pu*sies. I take the D train from w4 all the way up to the bronx, and walk the 8 blocks to see my friends at Fordham. I am also a 5'7 white kid.</p>

<p>there is nothing wrong with being scared! infact, for your own saftey, you should always be alert/scared, on your feet...</p>

<p>think about allllll the dangers lurking in this world!</p>

<p>bacteria attack us</p>

<p>viruses attack us</p>

<p>stress attack us</p>

<p>fat mcdonalod food attack us</p>

<p>but most of all, homeless people attack us!</p>

<p>this entire argument is going on longer than it should... </p>

<p>groovygrrlxoxo... incidents can happen in any big city, you just have to be unlucky.. as long as you don't stare or instigate something, you should be fine.. if something does happen then just act normal and don't overreact.. but i don't think that something like this should make you think twice about attending nyu..
muggings do take place sometimes.. a really good friend of mine got caught up somewhere near columbia this summer and got 300 bucks taken away... but they are not gonna harm you unless you retaliate in some way..
i dunno anything about the subways coz i dont live in nyc.. but i don't think you should avoid them just because something MIGHT happen.. just don't go ALONE late at night or something if you wanna reduce the probability of something happening.. theres not much else you can do.. avoiding the subway is just going to make travel harder for you..</p>

<p>now onto a better topic... such as the girls at NYU.. there is already a forum about the guys.. wheres the girls forum?!?!?</p>

<p>groovygrrlxoxo- You seriously have an attitude problem. No reason to choke up on people on CC. We all try to be nice, reply to your little thread, give advice- and you throw a dagger. Just because you are unhappy with your personal life doesn't give you valid authorization to be grumpy. People like you get on my last nerve.</p>

<p>groovygrrlxoxo I was at NYU today, it was the first day its been over 70 degrees this year, and EVERYBODY was outside today. I walked the entire campus two times from 11AM to almost 5PM. I saw one homeless lady, she was just hangin', smokin' a cigarette. I didn't see any dangerous types, everyone was just outside enjoying the great weather. There were dogs, kids, lots of kids. I don't think their parents or nannies would take them to a bad area. Tell your parents that it was a very safe atmosphere. Every city has crimes that make the national news, and people seize on these reports. Hope you can go to NYU.</p>

<p>hey, yesterday I got to spend alot of time in Washington Square Park just reading and ending having like a 2 hour conversation w/ a homeless dude. He was nice, articulate and of course, non-threatening... Don't worry about it!</p>

<p>Has anyone here ever volunteered at a homeless shelter, or served in a soup kitchen? You will have some truly moving encounters, women who were abused and had to run away from a marriage, men who were in the Vietnam war and could not ever adjust to a normal life.....</p>

<p>I engage in lots of community outreach, working with the homeless and domestic violence victims. It is something that I'm extremely passionate about and it has opened my eyes to society. I encourage anybody on CC to do some type of volunteer work because it's truly something that changes your outlook on life.</p>

<p>runawaywithme - I do not have an attitude problem. I was asking about that on this board for people who live in NYC or go to NYU. I do not appreciate people who think I am "insensitive" or who just joke about it, because my parents preoccupation with safety could potentially make or break my opportunity to go to NYU. I was just asking for some input on this matter. Ohh and yes... I am desperately "unhappy with my personal life." God that must be why I'm trying to be safe and find out more about college on CC. You really pegged me, Freud.</p>

<p>all you guys really need to chill out heh</p>

<p>yeah, matt's right, everyone needs to calm down, and understand that groovy's parents may not be familiar with NYC or its homeless and may believe stories about angry and violent homeless people, especially since they are portrayed on TV and in movies like that, haha, even thought it is pretty silly...</p>

<p>in addition to that, you should try and help groovy persuade her parents to let her come to NYU and that there is no fear, since you all seem to be experts at this topic [if you're being rude about her lack of knowledge], considering you will be going to school with her for the next 4 years ;]</p>


<p>or they are super stuckup</p>

<p>in that case, i would rather not go to school with people like that :P</p>


<p>yea I agree. It's a legitimate question for someone who hasn't lived in new york, and even with all the reforms, you can't say new york is entirely safe...but you shouldn't rip on the person asking the question</p>

<p>I guess it gets frustrating because people are quick to make assumptions, and buy into the stories being told. Bad stuff happens everywhere. In NYC, people are smart and aware.</p>

<p>My D's were going to camp, and one parent said, oh be careful, it has lots of "city" kids (euphemism for minorities) who cause problems. I was a bit offended by what he said. Needless to say, my kids had the best time and made so many great friends. So at least the OP is asking and has an open mind. It is sad that her parents didn't, but hopefully the OP can talk to them.</p>

<p>I certainly was not asking my question because I believed it. I have been to NYC before and I knew it was not true about the homeless. I was asking in print because my mother frequents CC and I wanted her to see herself the people who have posted with their opinions on the issue.</p>