Do the homeless in NYC give NYU students problems? Any experiences?

<p>hey, if i had never encountered one, i would completely understand the question. its not unreasonable, America is lucky enough not to have homeless people everywhere like some countries... therefore a lot of people just dont even know what to expect!</p>

<p>well... the thing that makes people jump at you is because you are asking whether the HOMELESS will bother you... and the way you word your questions and stuff.. it makes you sound like a really insensitive guy. GEEEEE.... the last thing on my mind I worry about right now is the HOMELESS guy giving me trouble. Why don't you worry about the gangsters and mofias and stuff? why dont you worried about drug dealers or getting raped? why do you worry about homeless guys throwing coffee at you????? </p>

<p>sheeeesh, weirdo</p>

<p>or people who carry guns and knifes and corner you into and alley and forces you to take them to an ATM machine and withdraw all your savings and then leaves a litte mark on your face. GEEEEEEEEEE homeless people throwing coffee at me would be NOTHING. you cant go home and change? you cant like duck or something?</p>

<p>all you people dissing groovy girl need to calm down... I'm not even into nyu yet, but from these message boards I've already found a an attitude of students i do not like: You guys get all hot and heavy over little, nominal, idealogical if i make a joke about france losing wars, people will flip ou.... but at the same time the people who are so offended have no respect for the feelings of the people they are reprimanding. If you want to be overly politically correct fine, but dont go makign a person feel horrible to defend some imaginary person, it makes you much worse than her. She's not from the city, has no experienced homeless people, chill out, im seeing waaayy too many things on this message board and else where, seriously people , learn to give your opinions without being vindictive and inconsiderate.</p>

<p>I totally agree with Mattistotle. Groovygirl had a legitimate question about safety. Some of you PC obsesseed people need to calm down, its not like there is some duty to be sensititve, even to the homeless. This is an internet forum, and if something offends you, don't post or even look at it.</p>

<p>she didnt do anything wrong, she asked a simple question, and didnt read into the political correctness.. shes probably had some sort of exposure to other sorts of crime, but really, a lot of people have never seen homeless people... its not that big a deal!!!</p>

<p>its a stupid question. </p>

<p>something of the same nature regarding crime rate would've been more legitimate</p>

<p>i wish all the best luck with homeless guys and that they dont bother you, but don't bet on not getting stopped by a drug dealer pounding you for money while you are walking home at night!~</p>

<p>"its a stupid question."</p>

<p>I disagree. It was nowhere near as stupid as some of the other questions that have been asked on this web site.</p>

<p>lets all worry about the homeless guys. who cares if we get raped? OF COURRRRRSEEEE getting coffee thrown at you is worser!</p>

<p>"Hey - this is towards people who have or do attend NYU - I have heard that the homeless in the area give people problems. Any experiences with this or any comments?"</p>

<p>"I was not asking because I am sheltered or worried because there are some undesirables in the city. I was asking because a family friend of ours told my mother, trying to scare her away from the idea of NYU, that the homeless are a problem and that they are so aggressive that if you look at them they will throw hot coffee on you. I was only asking to see if that kind of behavior is accurate or not because I am not from NYC. Sorry to offend or seem uncaring."</p>

<p>Did any of you bother to read the post that started the topic, AND groovy's first response??? To make it easy for you I quoted them ABOVE. Read them and see that she was asking a legitimate question about a subject that some third party WARNED her PARENTS about. You know parents, the ones that usually have the final say...So she wanted some savvy New Yorkers to reassure her parents, but NOOOOO, (some of) you attack her as some kind of snobby bimbo, get real!! Most people still have to answer to their parents, no matter how old or young, rich or poor we are, parents want answers,duh.</p>

<p>it is the bases of her thinking that stimulates attackes. think about it, how snobby can a family be if they tell their kid they cant go to a college just because homeless people might roam the streets. how snobby can a family be if they even worry about that kind of problem? well we normal people generally worry about OTHER things, things that might actually put you in danger, like gun shots.</p>

<p>its like the same thing as when a ditzy girl says, "oh no! I cant go there! i might get my hair wet!" are you telling me that is "legitimate"? well YESSS technically it is a valid question, but it is something NORMAL people dont worry about. so her asking that question is equivalent to a ditz asking "am i gonna get mud on my shirt if i play soccer?" that is a VALID question that you just wanna smack on the head for asking.</p>

<p>if you have alll the time in the world worrying about mud on your shirt, or homeless people in NYC, then maybe you should do something else with all that free time</p>

<p>kandykysses , seriously whats your problem? If i asked you questions about the south or midwest that everyone down there would know, you probably wouldnt know about it, and wouldn't like it if those people laughed at you. The truth is homeless people are portrayed horribly on the media, and if you never saw one in real life that is what you are going to thinking, you can't blame her for thinking homeless people are bad when thats societies attitude towards them and she has never had any first hand experience. Heck, the first time i went to the city my parents flipped out to me about the homeless people and were all like stay close and ****, and never seeing a homeless person before i beleived them. Now that i've had experience with them im not scared of them, but alot of them are rather aggresive, hostile and harassing... so its not like her comment is totally wrong. And again she was asking baout something her parents asked? You are now attacking her because of her parents...even if her parents are snobbish, which i have no idea if they are, that doesnt make it her fault nor does it make her a snob. You seem to be against her because you think shes wealthy... im probbaly poorer than you and i think doing that is idiotic . And also basing a child on their parents is equally retarded.</p>

<p>I am locking this thread since it has deteriorated into name calling and profanity.</p>